IEW Annual Educators’ Conference 2024

You are invited to attend the IEW Annual Educators’ Conference and join parents and teachers from all over the globe for this inspiring day of workshops, online for free.* Not only will the day provide encouragement and an opportunity to collaborate with others, but Andrew Pudewa will offer insights and a host of ideas to enhance your teaching. If you teach students with learning differences, he will also address how to provide effective instruction to help students of all abilities succeed.




9:00 AM CT: Renaissance Education OR Renaissance in Education?

>> Watch the recording here.

Would a Renaissance education help bring about a renaissance in education? What sort of training and life did a young Shakespeare or da Vinci have? What elements of that can we recapture and apply in our tech-driven modern world? Andrew Pudewa contemplates craft, attentiveness, stock, imitation, constraint, freedom, and more!

10:30 AM CT: Reaching the Reluctant Writer

>> Watch the recording here.

Many children really do not like to write. Why? Andrew Pudewa answers this basic question and teaches a specific and successful method of separating the complex process of writing into the smallest possible steps. This process makes it possible for even the most reluctant writers to produce short but complete compositions so that they will be proud and motivated to write again. Results guaranteed!

Access the handout here. 

Access the slides from the presentation here.

1:00 PM CT: Teaching Boys and Teaching Girls – Toward a Better Understanding

>> Watch the recording here.

Boys and girls hear differently, see differently, and handle stress and pain differently. Join Andrew Pudewa to gain an in-depth understanding of these neurophysiological distinctions and the implications of these differences. This workshop is packed with research, humor, and practical stories that will enlighten teachers and teaching parents.

2:30 PM CT: What Are We Really Doing Here?

>> Watch the recording here.

The Institute for Excellence in Writing started after Andrew Pudewa learned the Structure and Style® composition method from Dr. James B. Webster almost thirty years ago. As Andrew began teaching this method to parents and teachers across the United States, it became evident that what he was teaching was much more than just a writing curriculum. He believes that we are now part of something much, much greater than "improving basic skills" or "preparing our children for college." We are engaged in the great work of empowering a wave of young people who will have the means and the motivation to boldly enter the war of ideas, knowing how to think and powerfully employ the spoken and written word.

*For those living in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area or willing to travel, we invite you to be a part of the live studio audience at IEW’s office in Bixby, Oklahoma! Tickets to the event are $10. Each participant will be given a $25 credit to purchase materials directly from IEW, and lunch is included. Please note that because this is a professional studio production, children under the age of 12 are not allowed to attend.


IEW recording studio live attendance is no longer available.

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