Search for: webster

May 22, 2019

Educational Merit and Frantic Fun>

  Dr. Webster’s Outmatched™ is the perfect blend of educational merit and frantic fun for students as they try to outwit one another while they memorize powerful points from history. Desiring a greater understanding of the how’s and why’s of Dr. Webster’s creation, I decided to ask him to share his philosophy of games in education. His measure of success for education and the story of... read more

Celebrating National Dictionary Day>

Do you have a dictionary on your shelf? If so, the odds are solid that it has the name Webster’s emblazoned on its cover. October 16 is National Dictionary Day, a day set aside to remember and celebrate Noah Webster and his contributions to lexicography, which is the practice of compiling dictionaries. Noah Webster (1758‒1843), one of the many historical figures associated with the birth of... read more

the IEW Blog Team Oct 17, 2022

Writing across the Curriculum: Podcast Episode 294>

“Writing across the curriculum” continues to be a common educational trend in the United States. In podcast Episode 294 Andrew and Julie discuss what writing across the curriculum actually means and how IEW’s Structure and Style approach works within that framework. Referring to IEW’s founders, Dr. James Webster and Webster’s aunt Anna Ingham, Andrew explains how this writing approach works. Many years ago after teaching in... read more

the IEW Blog Team Nov 03, 2021

Episode 135a: Easy Essays and Beyond, Structure and Style Unit 8, Part 1>

In this two-part webinar recording, Andrew and old-time friend and mentor Dr. Webster walk you through Unit 8: Formal Essay Models. Join us as Andrew explains the elements of an essay and discusses what differentiates Unit 8 from the previous units. Additionally, Dr. Webster answers questions and provides suggestions for tackling essay assignments. Go To PART 2 Referenced Materials:  Click here to download the slides that accompanied the original Structure... read more

Mikael Apr 04, 2018

Episode 322: Advanced Style, Part 2>

Picking up where they left off last week, Andrew and Julie discuss Dr. Webster's paragraph models and author imitation as ways of challenging students stylistically. Learn how the different paragraphs can fit into a Unit 7: Inventive Writing essay, and gain insight on the benefits of author imitation in learning stylistic techniques.  GO TO: PART 1 Referenced Materials: "Advanced Style, Part 2" Teaching Writing: Structure and Style [Premium Membership] "IEW's Premium... read more

Maria May 18, 2022

The Mighty Pen: Teaching Students to Change the World through Language: Podcast Episode 269>

  At what point does content matter more than Structure and Style? Parents and teachers have often asked Andrew this question, and in podcast Episode 269, the answer to that question becomes the centerpiece of Andrew and Julie’s discussion. Many years ago, when Andrew approached Dr. Webster for his assessment of this question, Dr. Webster responded with this comment: “A bad idea well presented can be more... read more

the IEW Blog Team May 06, 2021

Episode 262: Teaching Literature through Discussion, Part 1 >

How can teachers and parents teach literature to students without losing the joy and value of the subject? Join us in Part 1 of this series as Andrew and Julie address the topic. Learn the impact good vocabulary has on critical thinking, understand the value of discussion before writing, and gain insight on the right time to have your students write about literature. GO TO Part 2 REFERENCED MATERIALS: "Teaching Literature... read more

Maria Mar 17, 2021

Episode 185: Formal Essay Models, Structure and Style Unit 8>

Feel confident moving from inventive writing into the capstone of our Structure and Style™ program: Formal Essay Models. In this podcast Andrew takes you through the process of Unit 8 and demonstrates the value in learning the five-paragraph model. Referenced Materials: Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Dr. James B. Webster If you have any questions about IEW or our products, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Team at... read more

Maria Apr 03, 2019

Episode 281: Talking about the Intangibles>

"The teacher's primary job is to be an example." Beyond academics, a classroom is a place where students learn values, or as Anna Ingham called them, "the intangibles." In this insightful episode Andrew and Julie discuss the importance of modeling good character for your students and talk about some of the intangible lessons Andrew tries to instill when teaching writing.  REFERENCED MATERIALS "Talking about the Intangibles" Dr. James B. Webster Anna Ingham Blended Structure... read more

Maria Aug 03, 2021

Where It All Began – IEW's Founding and Mission: Podcast Episode 329>

Andrew Pudewa is the founder and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and has been teaching writing for over thirty years. What some people might not know, however, is that Andrew’s career actually began as a violin instructor. So how did Andrew go from teaching with a bow to teaching with a pen? That’s what Podcast Episode 329 is all about! In the episode... read more

the IEW Blog Team Jul 06, 2022

Episode 401: Asking Questions with Unit 5>

In this week’s podcast, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker take a closer look at IEW’s Unit 5: Writing from Pictures. This unit teaches students to pull information from the brain by asking questions about a picture as a source for inspiration. Andrew points out that this same skill is applicable to looking at situations in the world and thinking about them. Join Andrew and Julie as... read more

Maria Nov 29, 2023

Episode 263: Teaching Literature through Discussion, Part 2>

This week, Andrew and Julie finish up the series on teaching literature through discussion. Instead of simply talking about it, however, the duo actually goes through the short story "The Devil and Daniel Webster." Tune in and understand the value of discussing literature as Andrew and Julie discuss the characters, the conflict, and the resolution of the story.  GO TO PART 1 REFERENCED MATERIALS: "Teaching Literature through Discussion" "The Devil and Daniel Webster" by Stephen Vincent... read more

Maria Mar 25, 2021

Episode 126a: Sailing through Style, Part 1>

Often students as well as parents struggle with moving forward on the checklist. In this two-part episode, Andrew provides salient points on the stylistic techniques and offers advice, from being strict with the checklist to not drowning your students with more than they can handle. Go To Part 2 Referenced Materials: Click here to download the slides that accompanied the original Sailing Through Style webinar. Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Dr. James B.... read more

Maria Jan 30, 2018

Episode 97: Caution and Craziness, Part 2>

So many young people are intimidated when asked questions about their next steps in life following graduation. In this episode Andrew shares stories about his experience in high school and as an adult and encourages students to take ownership of their education. Referenced Materials: Caution and Craziness Audio Talk by Andrew Pudewa Dr. James B. Webster Advanced Communication Series by Andrew Pudewa and Danielle Olander Highschool Essay Intensive by Andrew Pudewa Remember to send your questions to,... read more

Maria Jun 06, 2017

Episode 167: Writing from Pictures, Structure and Style Unit 5>

As you head into the busyness of December, listen to Andrew and Julie walk through Unit 5: Writing from Pictures. Gain confidence moving forward as Andrew and Julie explain the vital role Unit 5 plays in unlocking students' imagination and in developing their thinking skills. REFERENCED MATERIALS: Webinar Archive Unit 5: Writing from Pictures Teaching Writing: Structure and Style  Theme-Based Writing Lessons Dr. James B. Webster Remember to send your questions to... read more

Maria Nov 28, 2018

Episode 154: Starting Strong in September, Structure and Style Units 1 & 2>

Start out strongly this September as Andrew and Julie chat about Units 1 and 2 of the Structure and Style syllabus, laying the foundation for the year. Discover the power of note making and outlining and find out how it paves the path for the upcoming year of writing. REFERENCED MATERIALS: Webinar Archive  Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Ask Andrew Anything  Dr. James B. Webster "Squirrely Students Inspire Structure and Style" by... read more

Maria Aug 29, 2018

Episode 187: Advanced Essay Models>

After learning the basic five-paragraph essay model, your student can begin to play with it and explore other types of essays. In this podcast Andrew and Julie introduce the advanced essay models. Tune in to hear Andrew walk through the various essay models and learn about the application they have in the real world. Referenced Materials: Episode 185: Formal Essay Models, Structure and Style Unit 8 Episode 186:... read more

Maria Apr 17, 2019

Episode 189: Formal Critique, Structure and Style Unit 9>

As you welcome the May flowers, be encouraged to have a strong finish of your school year with Unit 9: Formal Critique. Go beyond the "boring book report" with Andrew as he explains the structural model of Unit 9 and shares the power of the critique thesaurus. Referenced Materials: Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Student Resource Packet U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons by Lori Verstegen Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization by Andrew Pudewa e-Newsletters Dr.... read more

Maria May 01, 2019

Episode 294: Writing across the Curriculum>

Should writing be confined to a singular subject? Andrew and Julie address the question by discussing writing across the curriculum. Whether it be learning about history or studying science, learn how the incorporation of writing across these subjects allows for students to be more engaged with the content they're learning and gives them the opportunity for application of their skills in a variety of assignments. REFERENCED MATERIALS: Dr.... read more

Maria Nov 03, 2021

Episode 294: Writing across the Curriculum>

Should writing be confined to a singular subject? Andrew and Julie address the question by discussing writing across the curriculum. Whether it be learning about history or studying science, learn how the incorporation of writing across these subjects allows for students to be more engaged with the content they're learning and gives them the opportunity for application of their skills in a variety of assignments. REFERENCED MATERIALS: Dr.... read more

Maria Nov 03, 2021
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