Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 280

Jul 28, 2021 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

Beginning with the tenth Arts of Language Podcast episode, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker launched a series called “Ask Andrew Anything.” Faithfully every tenth episode the podcast’s focus has been to have Andrew answer listener’s questions. The most recent recording, Episode 280, continues that tradition. During the podcast Andrew answers questions that were posed during IEW’s 2021 Online Writing Conference. These are the questions he addresses:

  1. Are high schoolers still able to be taught to become great writers if they have never been good writers?

  2. How can you motivate an older teenager to want to become good at something?

  3. What’s your best tip for teaching mixed age groups?

  4. Can I teach my third and fifth graders the same material at the same time? If so, how long should I expect a lesson to usually take?

  5. What is the number one thing to ensure you are consistently doing when teaching writing?

  6. What should I do when my student has written a great paragraph but has left out one of the dress-ups? Should I insist that it be added in? I don’t want his writing to become too mechanical.

  7. How did you identify the different educational needs of your own children, Andrew?

  8. How do I encourage my writers to include a variety of tones rather than always trying to make a piece humorous? Sometimes it gets old, and funny isn’t funny anymore.

  9. The title rule seems to very much limit my students. What is the point of the title convention?

Always an engaging series to listen to, this episode features great questions along with Andrew’s insightful answers. We hope you enjoy listening to the show.

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