
Wrestling with Words

“Why do I have to underline the dress-ups?” Any parent or teacher who has used the Structure and Style® methodology for any length of time has undoubtedly heard these words, usually in a... read more

Sep 12, 2024

Writing the Paper with Unit 2

IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout the year students progress through nine structural units. After one, two, or maybe... read more

Sep 03, 2024

IEW Tools for the Journey: IEW’s Blog

As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be confident and competent communicators and thinkers, we are presenting a series of... read more

Aug 29, 2024

IEW Tools for the Journey: Social Media

As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be confident and competent communicators and thinkers, we are presenting a series of... read more

Aug 22, 2024

IEW Tools for the Journey: Webinars

As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be confident and competent communicators and thinkers, we are presenting a series of... read more

Aug 15, 2024

IEW Tools for the Journey: Newsletters

It is August. Many schools and homeschools have already begun the new school year. Within a few weeks schools of all types will be in session. Here at IEW, our mission is to... read more

Aug 08, 2024

Taking Notes with Unit 1

IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout the year, students progress through nine structural units. Every paper a student... read more

Aug 06, 2024

Starting Strong — Tips for a New School Year

It’s August, and a new school year is fast approaching. IEW’s Customer Service Team and Schools Division Educational Consultants have years of experience as homeschooling parents, IEW Online instructors, tutors, and classroom teachers.... read more

Aug 01, 2024

Checking the Boxes for High School Credit

Many of our customers reach out to customer service as their student approaches high school. They want to be sure that our materials will count for a language arts credit. Perhaps, a new... read more

Jul 18, 2024

Critiquing Literature with Unit 9

IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout the year students progress through nine structural units. At this point in the... read more

Jun 06, 2024

Planning Summer with Purpose

The finish line is in sight! I know that we are all counting down the days until the end of the school year. We are looking forward to the summer months when our... read more

May 30, 2024

Wrestling with Words

“Why do I have to underline the dress-ups?” Any parent or teacher who has used the Structure and Style® methodology for... read more

Writing the Paper with Unit 2

IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout... read more


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IEW Tools for the Journey: IEW’s Blog

As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be... read more

IEW Tools for the Journey: Social Media

As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be... read more

IEW Tools for the Journey: Webinars

As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be... read more

IEW Tools for the Journey: Newsletters

It is August. Many schools and homeschools have already begun the new school year. Within a few weeks schools of all... read more

Taking Notes with Unit 1

IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout... read more

Starting Strong — Tips for a New School Year

It’s August, and a new school year is fast approaching. IEW’s Customer Service Team and Schools Division Educational Consultants have years... read more

Checking the Boxes for High School Credit

Many of our customers reach out to customer service as their student approaches high school. They want to be sure that... read more

Critiquing Literature with Unit 9

IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout... read more

Planning Summer with Purpose

The finish line is in sight! I know that we are all counting down the days until the end of the... read more


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