
Ready, Steady, Start!

  Believe it or not, it is almost time to start back to school. In one form or another, whether it be traditional brick and mortar, a hybrid approach, online, or at home, the... read more

Jul 30, 2020

From the Mailbag: What about Spelling Mistakes?

  Individuals who registered for IEW’s online writing conference, From Imitation to Innovation, had the opportunity to submit questions with their registration. While Andrew and Julie weren’t able to respond to each one during... read more

Jul 28, 2020

How IEW Saved Me from All-Nighters in College

  Over the course of this past school year, I had a few goals in mind during my study abroad: Don’t get lost on any European streets, find amazing friends, and don’t pull any... read more

Jul 21, 2020

The Great Grammar Give and Take, Part 1: Podcast Episode 228

  The summer months are a period of preparation for educators and teaching parents. Curriculum considerations and decisions dominate during this time. One area where our customer service team fields a lot of questions... read more

Jul 15, 2020

You Might Even Win Something!

  In middle school, Malachi decided to do something he had never done before. He summoned up his courage, wrote an essay, and submitted it to a writing contest. What he learned in the... read more

Jul 07, 2020

From Imitation to Innovation: Teaching writing can be easier than you think!

  This past Saturday, people from all around the world gathered together virtually to participate in IEW’s online writing conference, From Imitation to Innovation. It was a day filled with inspiring instruction and useful... read more

Jul 03, 2020

Cooking with Andrew and Julie, Part 1: Podcast Episode 225

  What do pizza peels, purple potatoes, and picky eaters have in common? You’ll find out in podcast Episode 225. Lighthearted and slightly divergent from the typical topics related to the language arts, this... read more

Jun 24, 2020

Parent and Student Perspectives: Structure and Style for Students: Jenny’s, Eli’s, and Caleb’s Views

  As a mom of two students who participated in the filming of IEW’s new Structure and Style Students, Jenny observed first-hand the difference that Structure and Style made in her boys’ writing. Caleb... read more

Jun 22, 2020

The Journey’s End: Written Communication

  Which IEW courses will help prepare your students for writing at the collegiate level? Most colleges expect students to be able to write proficiently. Across academia, professors often assign essays to gauge their... read more

Jun 15, 2020

Announcing the 2020 IEW Writing Contest Winners!

  It’s become a tradition that each spring, we announce the prompts for the annual IEW Writing Contest. This year’s prompts were as follows: Level A: Write a 2-paragraph composition about why kindness is important,... read more

May 27, 2020

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 220

  From the very beginning of The Arts of Language Podcast, every tenth episode has been dedicated to having Andrew answer listeners’ questions. Aptly titled “Ask Andrew Anything,” these episodes are filled with a... read more

May 22, 2020

Ready, Steady, Start!

  Believe it or not, it is almost time to start back to school. In one form or another, whether it be... read more

From the Mailbag: What about Spelling Mistakes?

  Individuals who registered for IEW’s online writing conference, From Imitation to Innovation, had the opportunity to submit questions with their registration.... read more


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How IEW Saved Me from All-Nighters in College

  Over the course of this past school year, I had a few goals in mind during my study abroad: Don’t get... read more

The Great Grammar Give and Take, Part 1: Podcast Episode 228

  The summer months are a period of preparation for educators and teaching parents. Curriculum considerations and decisions dominate during this time.... read more

You Might Even Win Something!

  In middle school, Malachi decided to do something he had never done before. He summoned up his courage, wrote an essay,... read more

From Imitation to Innovation: Teaching writing can be easier than you think!

  This past Saturday, people from all around the world gathered together virtually to participate in IEW’s online writing conference, From Imitation... read more

Cooking with Andrew and Julie, Part 1: Podcast Episode 225

  What do pizza peels, purple potatoes, and picky eaters have in common? You’ll find out in podcast Episode 225. Lighthearted and... read more

Parent and Student Perspectives: Structure and Style for Students: Jenny’s, Eli’s, and Caleb’s Views

  As a mom of two students who participated in the filming of IEW’s new Structure and Style Students, Jenny observed first-hand... read more

The Journey’s End: Written Communication

  Which IEW courses will help prepare your students for writing at the collegiate level? Most colleges expect students to be able... read more

Announcing the 2020 IEW Writing Contest Winners!

  It’s become a tradition that each spring, we announce the prompts for the annual IEW Writing Contest. This year’s prompts were... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 220

  From the very beginning of The Arts of Language Podcast, every tenth episode has been dedicated to having Andrew answer listeners’... read more


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