
The Great TWSS Adventure: 2021 Edition

  As students begin to excitedly look for summer vacation and the end of school, many educators are also looking forward to having a pause in teaching so that they can invest in themselves.... read more

Apr 16, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: More about the Strong Verb

  In a blog post last week, I introduced the strong verb dress-up. The third dress-up to be introduced, the strong verb constructs a clearer visual image of the action in the reader’s mind.... read more

Mar 30, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the Strong Verb

  In the Structure and Style sequence, the strong verb is the third dress-up to be introduced, sandwiched between the who/which clause and the because clause. Strong verbs replace their more bland siblings and... read more

Mar 26, 2021

How the Structure and Style Writing Approach Supports Reading

  While the act of reading appears, at least on the surface, to be simple, it is anything but. Reading is actually an extremely complicated activity that involves lots of simultaneous processes within the... read more

Mar 20, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the Because Clause

  This week’s featured stylistic technique is the because clause dress-up. After learning the -ly adverb, who/which clause, and strong verb dress-ups, it is the next to be introduced. A clause must contain both... read more

Mar 02, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the -ly Adverb

  In the stylistic techniques progression, the -ly adverb is the first dress-up that students encounter. An adverb modifies either a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. These words answer the questions how, when,... read more

Feb 24, 2021

Dancing to the Imperfect Beat of Life

  I’ve sometimes wondered if I should begin a Perfectionists Anonymous group. It isn’t uncommon for me to put off projects because I don’t have the time to do them perfectly, whether the project... read more

Feb 19, 2021

All about Accreditation: Podcast Episode 258

  Did you know that IEW has an accreditation process? It’s true! It was introduced the summer of 2008, and since that time many people have applied to become IEW accredited instructors. In podcast... read more

Feb 17, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: The Who/Which Clause

  After students learn how to insert a -ly adverb, the next stylistic technique they learn to construct is a who/which clause, a type of adjective clause. In grammar, a clause has two parts:... read more

Feb 13, 2021

The Power of Imitation: Crafting a Key Word Outline

  Imitation. It’s one of the earliest and most impactful ways that humans learn. A very young baby learns to smile at her parents by watching them smiling back at her. Later, as an... read more

Feb 08, 2021

More about Overcoming Obstacles in Teaching Reading and Writing: Podcast Episode 256

  During last week’s Arts of Language Podcast episode, Andrew and Julie discussed effective ways to overcome obstacles in teaching reading and writing. One of the techniques they mentioned was implementing copywork. But rather... read more

Feb 03, 2021

The Great TWSS Adventure: 2021 Edition

  As students begin to excitedly look for summer vacation and the end of school, many educators are also looking forward to... read more

Stylistic Techniques: More about the Strong Verb

  In a blog post last week, I introduced the strong verb dress-up. The third dress-up to be introduced, the strong verb... read more


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Stylistic Techniques: the Strong Verb

  In the Structure and Style sequence, the strong verb is the third dress-up to be introduced, sandwiched between the who/which clause... read more

How the Structure and Style Writing Approach Supports Reading

  While the act of reading appears, at least on the surface, to be simple, it is anything but. Reading is actually... read more

Stylistic Techniques: the Because Clause

  This week’s featured stylistic technique is the because clause dress-up. After learning the -ly adverb, who/which clause, and strong verb dress-ups,... read more

Stylistic Techniques: the -ly Adverb

  In the stylistic techniques progression, the -ly adverb is the first dress-up that students encounter. An adverb modifies either a verb,... read more

Dancing to the Imperfect Beat of Life

  I’ve sometimes wondered if I should begin a Perfectionists Anonymous group. It isn’t uncommon for me to put off projects because... read more

All about Accreditation: Podcast Episode 258

  Did you know that IEW has an accreditation process? It’s true! It was introduced the summer of 2008, and since that... read more

Stylistic Techniques: The Who/Which Clause

  After students learn how to insert a -ly adverb, the next stylistic technique they learn to construct is a who/which clause,... read more

The Power of Imitation: Crafting a Key Word Outline

  Imitation. It’s one of the earliest and most impactful ways that humans learn. A very young baby learns to smile at... read more

More about Overcoming Obstacles in Teaching Reading and Writing: Podcast Episode 256

  During last week’s Arts of Language Podcast episode, Andrew and Julie discussed effective ways to overcome obstacles in teaching reading and... read more


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