
Common Editing Marks

Early in the Structure and Style for Students courses, Andrew Pudewa exhorts his students to hire an editor. While a variety of editorial roles (content editors and copy editors, for example) exists, in... read more

Mar 25, 2022

Imitation as the Foundation for Innovation, Creativity, and Development: Podcast Episode 314

Whether it be ordering the same flavor of ice cream or wearing similar shoes, from a young age children imitate peers and adults. When children learn to walk or talk, they first observe... read more

Mar 23, 2022

“Winter Wonderland Adventure”

One of the most gratifying experiences our company enjoys is receiving mail, especially from appreciative students. We recently received an email directed to Andrew Pudewa from a student who had responded to a... read more

Jan 28, 2022

It’s a Wrap!

With the final day of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving event only recently completed, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the days and to thank all of you who... read more

Jan 14, 2022

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 300

With the upcoming three hundredth episode of The Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker wanted to do something special to mark it. They decided to video the podcast with an... read more

Dec 15, 2021

Experience Unit 5: Frosty Paws

Now that we are in the month of December, many teachers are focusing on Unit 5: Writing from Pictures. Out of all of the units, this one is by far my favorite. A... read more

Dec 10, 2021

A Parent’s Perspective: The Value of Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

Recently in IEW’s official Facebook Group, mom Marcela B. wrote a post in which she explained how valuable she found the teacher training she received in Teaching Writing: Structure and Style to be.... read more

Nov 12, 2021

Writing across the Curriculum: Podcast Episode 294

“Writing across the curriculum” continues to be a common educational trend in the United States. In podcast Episode 294 Andrew and Julie discuss what writing across the curriculum actually means and how IEW’s... read more

Nov 03, 2021

Friday Night Live with Andrew Pudewa: 2021

In November of last year, guests from all around the world attended an online party, which we called “Friday Night Live with Andrew Pudewa.” Everyone had such a great time; we knew we... read more

Nov 02, 2021

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 290

With the advent of another tenth episode, we return yet again to a fan favorite: Ask Andrew Anything. In this show, Episode 290, Andrew answers the following questions: What do you say to a... read more

Oct 07, 2021

Three Surprising Ways to Use the Structure and Style Method

Recently we received an email from Marie Greenhalgh. Marie is an IEW Registered Instructor. She contacted us, mentioning that she had noticed that her family was incorporating Structure and Style ideas not only... read more

Oct 04, 2021

Common Editing Marks

Early in the Structure and Style for Students courses, Andrew Pudewa exhorts his students to hire an editor. While a variety... read more

Imitation as the Foundation for Innovation, Creativity, and Development: Podcast Episode 314

Whether it be ordering the same flavor of ice cream or wearing similar shoes, from a young age children imitate peers... read more


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“Winter Wonderland Adventure”

One of the most gratifying experiences our company enjoys is receiving mail, especially from appreciative students. We recently received an email... read more

It’s a Wrap!

With the final day of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving event only recently completed, we wanted to take a moment... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 300

With the upcoming three hundredth episode of The Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker wanted to do something... read more

Experience Unit 5: Frosty Paws

Now that we are in the month of December, many teachers are focusing on Unit 5: Writing from Pictures. Out of... read more

A Parent’s Perspective: The Value of Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

Recently in IEW’s official Facebook Group, mom Marcela B. wrote a post in which she explained how valuable she found the... read more

Writing across the Curriculum: Podcast Episode 294

“Writing across the curriculum” continues to be a common educational trend in the United States. In podcast Episode 294 Andrew and... read more

Friday Night Live with Andrew Pudewa: 2021

In November of last year, guests from all around the world attended an online party, which we called “Friday Night Live... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 290

With the advent of another tenth episode, we return yet again to a fan favorite: Ask Andrew Anything. In this show,... read more

Three Surprising Ways to Use the Structure and Style Method

Recently we received an email from Marie Greenhalgh. Marie is an IEW Registered Instructor. She contacted us, mentioning that she had... read more


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