
A Poem to Inspire Written and Spoken Language

  Language has always fascinated me. When I speak and write, I am always trying to find ways to paint a vivid picture of my thoughts and ideas to the listener or reader through... read more

Jul 19, 2019

On Marking and Grading

  Parents and teachers who use IEW’s approach to teaching writing love it. Structure and Style®️ provides the direction and framework, making the job of teaching writing concrete and enjoyable for instructor and student... read more

Jul 08, 2019

Learning about the Third Edition of Bible-Based Writing Lessons: Podcast Episode 196✝

  Once upon a time, there was only one IEW product—Teaching Writing: Structure and Style. It empowered, and continues to empower, teachers and parents to take the methodology back into their classrooms and homes... read more

Jun 27, 2019

Tutoring Online with IEW—Tips and Tools

  Online tutoring is growing by leaps and bounds, and as it grows, more and more tools are being developed to support that environment. In this second installment of a two-part blog post dedicated... read more

Jun 24, 2019

Tutoring Online with IEW—Yes, You Can!

  With the power of the Internet, physical distances are no longer a barrier. Information is instantly at our fingertips. While this has both positive and negative implications, undoubtedly one of the positives out... read more

Jun 22, 2019

Sharing Students’ Finest Work—Magnum Opus Magazine

  “If I had a dime/dollar for every time I’ve done __________...” How often do we moms and teachers think (or say) something like this? Repeated or mundane tasks sometimes feel as if they... read more

Jun 18, 2019

Where Are They Now? Kristianne Hassman—Student and Author

  We love to hear from our customers. One of them recently contacted us to share her daughter’s success using IEW materials. Her daughter, Kristianne, had been working through Student Intensive Continuation Course Level... read more

Jun 14, 2019

From the Mailbag: I Hate IEW!

  It’s always a treat to receive letters from IEW teachers and students. This elementary student had her own thoughts about the way she was being taught and decided to let Andrew Pudewa know... read more

Jun 05, 2019

Real Stories from Premium Members: Podcast Episode 193

  In last week’s podcast, Episode 193, Andrew and Julie welcomed three of IEW’s premium members into the studio to share their experiences and favorite elements to the Premium Membership, a component of Teaching... read more

Jun 04, 2019

Accreditation and Adventure!

  Are you going to be teaching IEW curriculum in the upcoming school year? Make the most of your summer by participating in the 2019 Great TWSS Adventure. And while you’re at it, keep... read more

May 30, 2019

Lessons Learned Teaching with IEW

  I have been in the “IEW world” since fifth grade when I was first introduced to its method. Since then, I have known it intimately as a student, as a customer service representative,... read more

May 25, 2019

A Poem to Inspire Written and Spoken Language

  Language has always fascinated me. When I speak and write, I am always trying to find ways to paint a vivid... read more

On Marking and Grading

  Parents and teachers who use IEW’s approach to teaching writing love it. Structure and Style®️ provides the direction and framework, making... read more


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Learning about the Third Edition of Bible-Based Writing Lessons: Podcast Episode 196✝

  Once upon a time, there was only one IEW product—Teaching Writing: Structure and Style. It empowered, and continues to empower, teachers... read more

Tutoring Online with IEW—Tips and Tools

  Online tutoring is growing by leaps and bounds, and as it grows, more and more tools are being developed to support... read more

Tutoring Online with IEW—Yes, You Can!

  With the power of the Internet, physical distances are no longer a barrier. Information is instantly at our fingertips. While this... read more

Sharing Students’ Finest Work—Magnum Opus Magazine

  “If I had a dime/dollar for every time I’ve done __________...” How often do we moms and teachers think (or say)... read more

Where Are They Now? Kristianne Hassman—Student and Author

  We love to hear from our customers. One of them recently contacted us to share her daughter’s success using IEW materials.... read more

From the Mailbag: I Hate IEW!

  It’s always a treat to receive letters from IEW teachers and students. This elementary student had her own thoughts about the... read more

Real Stories from Premium Members: Podcast Episode 193

  In last week’s podcast, Episode 193, Andrew and Julie welcomed three of IEW’s premium members into the studio to share their... read more

Accreditation and Adventure!

  Are you going to be teaching IEW curriculum in the upcoming school year? Make the most of your summer by participating... read more

Lessons Learned Teaching with IEW

  I have been in the “IEW world” since fifth grade when I was first introduced to its method. Since then, I... read more


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