
Teaching IEW in a Classical Homeschool Cooperative

  Frederick East Classical, a relatively new homeschool cooperative, is taking central Maryland by storm. In its inaugural year alone, many families flocked to it, filling it to capacity. Structured using a classical approach,... read more

Mar 11, 2019

And the Interviewee is … Andrew Pudewa! Podcast Episode 180

  Recently Andrew Pudewa assigned one of his writing classes the task of interviewing a person in their lives and writing a paper about it. One of his students, Savannah, knew just the person... read more

Mar 06, 2019

Partnering through the Premium Membership: Podcast Episode 179

  In 2015, the second edition of Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS) was released. Also contained in the box was a card that had a code printed on it. This code gave its... read more

Mar 04, 2019

Unit 6 Demystified: Podcast Episode 178

  Are you in the midst of moving through Unit 6 with your students? If so, check out Podcast 178. During it, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker talk about ways to teach this building-block... read more

Feb 25, 2019

The IEW Blog: Podcast Episode 176

  On any given day, more than four million blog posts are published on the Internet (Liedke). Blogs—short for “web logs”—feature a wide variety of themes with almost limitless content. Individuals, corporations, clubs, and... read more

Feb 06, 2019

Product Spotlight: Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

  Each month in 2019, we would like to highlight one of our products and answer a few questions about it. It is our hope to create a space where you can learn more... read more

Jan 29, 2019

IEW Master Classes: New to Your Premium Membership!

  IEW’s Premium Membership has a new benefit this year, and it’s one that we think you are going to find very valuable: IEW Premium Member Master Classes. What is a master class? Simply put,... read more

Jan 23, 2019

Meet Jessica Walker, IEW’s Customer Service Manager: Podcast Episode 173

  IEW’s customer service team is comprised of a stellar group of people who are dedicated to serving their customers with a smile and utmost professionalism. In Podcast 173, you have the opportunity to... read more

Jan 21, 2019

Where Are They Now? Kimberly Johnson—Writer and Graphic Designer

  Some students immerse themselves in music; still others pursue athletics. And there are those who enjoy art. Today we would like to feature a student who has a passion for writing fiction and... read more

Jan 18, 2019

Sailing through Style: Podcast Episode 172

  Now that many of us are wrapping up Unit 5 and preparing to head into Unit 6, it is a great time to cast a wider view at this thing we call style.... read more

Jan 16, 2019

Empowered across the Curriculum

  Many years ago when I was a much younger, somewhat bewildered homeschool mom standing in front of the IEW® booth at a homeschool convention, I had one goal in mind—finding support to help... read more

Jan 08, 2019

Teaching IEW in a Classical Homeschool Cooperative

  Frederick East Classical, a relatively new homeschool cooperative, is taking central Maryland by storm. In its inaugural year alone, many families... read more

And the Interviewee is … Andrew Pudewa! Podcast Episode 180

  Recently Andrew Pudewa assigned one of his writing classes the task of interviewing a person in their lives and writing a... read more


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Partnering through the Premium Membership: Podcast Episode 179

  In 2015, the second edition of Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS) was released. Also contained in the box was a... read more

Unit 6 Demystified: Podcast Episode 178

  Are you in the midst of moving through Unit 6 with your students? If so, check out Podcast 178. During it,... read more

The IEW Blog: Podcast Episode 176

  On any given day, more than four million blog posts are published on the Internet (Liedke). Blogs—short for “web logs”—feature a... read more

Product Spotlight: Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

  Each month in 2019, we would like to highlight one of our products and answer a few questions about it. It... read more

IEW Master Classes: New to Your Premium Membership!

  IEW’s Premium Membership has a new benefit this year, and it’s one that we think you are going to find very... read more

Meet Jessica Walker, IEW’s Customer Service Manager: Podcast Episode 173

  IEW’s customer service team is comprised of a stellar group of people who are dedicated to serving their customers with a... read more

Where Are They Now? Kimberly Johnson—Writer and Graphic Designer

  Some students immerse themselves in music; still others pursue athletics. And there are those who enjoy art. Today we would like... read more

Sailing through Style: Podcast Episode 172

  Now that many of us are wrapping up Unit 5 and preparing to head into Unit 6, it is a great... read more

Empowered across the Curriculum

  Many years ago when I was a much younger, somewhat bewildered homeschool mom standing in front of the IEW® booth at... read more


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