
Experience Unit 5: The First Thanksgiving

  Unit 5 marks the midway point of IEW’s nine writing units. Rather than asking students to create key word outlines from written text, Unit 5 instead has students ask themselves questions based on... read more

Nov 22, 2017

Jill’s Gems: Adjusting the Bar for Success, One Child at a Time

  Our customer service team is available for you to ask questions, share successes, and receive encouragement. Recently a member wondered about how to help her child prepare his speeches for his co-op class.... read more

Nov 15, 2017

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

  Gratitude matters. “I do believe the happiest people that I meet are the ones who have that habit, that attitude of gratitude." – Andrew Pudewa With the possible exception of Thanksgiving Day, our culture is... read more

Nov 10, 2017

Short, Frequent Assignments

  I am presently in an unusual position. My children have reached the age where one is in high school, one is dual-enrolled in college and high school, and one is enrolled full-time in... read more

Oct 11, 2017

The Right Tool Matters

  Imagine a hammer on Jell-O®, a screwdriver for surgery, or a round peg in a square hole. The wrong tool at the wrong time can impair what we’re doing. That’s bad enough when we’re... read more

Oct 09, 2017

Starting Strong in September, Structure and Style Units 1 & 2: Part 2: Podcast Episode 108b

  As you begin this new school year, be encouraged to make a great start in public speaking and writing. Andrew reviews Units 1 and 2 of the IEW syllabus, Note Making and Outlines and... read more

Oct 06, 2017

Jill’s Gems: There is Value in the (Brain)storm

  As we seek to teach stylistic techniques to our students, it is easy to search for ways to streamline the process. One of these temptations is the worksheet. Filled with practice sentences and... read more

Sep 29, 2017

Jill’s Gems: There is Value in the (Brain)storm

  As we seek to teach stylistic techniques to our students, it is easy to search for ways to streamline the process. One of these temptations is the worksheet. Filled with practice sentences and... read more

Sep 29, 2017

Experience Unit 3 with People and Places in Our Community and World History-Based Writing Lessons

  September is nearly over, but before you switch from retelling stories in Unit 3 to funneling facts in Unit 4, check out these story samples pulled from two of our latest theme-based books.... read more

Sep 27, 2017

A Brief Tour through the IEW Writing Units

  When you teach writing with IEW®, you are constructing a solid writing foundation for your students. IEW’s writing structure is based upon nine units or structural models. But what are those models? A... read more

Sep 20, 2017

Mastery Matters

  “Every child can learn. Everyone can do well. You just have to create the right conditions." – Andrew Pudewa   Every student is capable of taking a journey toward becoming a confident, competent communicator. This confidence and... read more

Sep 13, 2017

Experience Unit 5: The First Thanksgiving

  Unit 5 marks the midway point of IEW’s nine writing units. Rather than asking students to create key word outlines from... read more

Jill’s Gems: Adjusting the Bar for Success, One Child at a Time

  Our customer service team is available for you to ask questions, share successes, and receive encouragement. Recently a member wondered about... read more


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Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

  Gratitude matters. “I do believe the happiest people that I meet are the ones who have that habit, that attitude of gratitude."... read more

Short, Frequent Assignments

  I am presently in an unusual position. My children have reached the age where one is in high school, one is... read more

The Right Tool Matters

  Imagine a hammer on Jell-O®, a screwdriver for surgery, or a round peg in a square hole. The wrong tool at the... read more

Starting Strong in September, Structure and Style Units 1 & 2: Part 2: Podcast Episode 108b

  As you begin this new school year, be encouraged to make a great start in public speaking and writing. Andrew reviews... read more

Jill’s Gems: There is Value in the (Brain)storm

  As we seek to teach stylistic techniques to our students, it is easy to search for ways to streamline the process.... read more

Jill’s Gems: There is Value in the (Brain)storm

  As we seek to teach stylistic techniques to our students, it is easy to search for ways to streamline the process.... read more

Experience Unit 3 with People and Places in Our Community and World History-Based Writing Lessons

  September is nearly over, but before you switch from retelling stories in Unit 3 to funneling facts in Unit 4, check... read more

A Brief Tour through the IEW Writing Units

  When you teach writing with IEW®, you are constructing a solid writing foundation for your students. IEW’s writing structure is based... read more

Mastery Matters

  “Every child can learn. Everyone can do well. You just have to create the right conditions." – Andrew Pudewa   Every student is capable of... read more


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