
Looking at Literature: A Peek inside the Packages

  Andrew Pudewa’s talk Nurturing Competent Communicators exhorts parents and teachers to do two things: Share the beauty and brilliance of literature with their students by reading it aloud, and teach them to memorize... read more

Sep 21, 2020

Do I Really Need Teaching Writing: Structure and Style?

  If your students are using IEW’s new Structure and Style for Students (SSS) program this year, you may be wondering whether you actually need Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS) in order to... read more

Sep 18, 2020

The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Part 2: Podcast Episode 237

  Picking up from where they left off last week, Andrew and Julie continue their discussion about rhetoric. At the end of last week’s podcast, Andrew had delved a bit deeper into the first... read more

Sep 16, 2020

Making a Way through the Murk: a Homeschool Journey

  Eighteen years ago I embarked on a bold, new adventure. Imagining myself as an early seafaring explorer, I researched my intended destination, gathered my tools for the journey, and stepped out in the... read more

Sep 14, 2020

The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Part 1: Podcast Episode 236

  Unfortunately viewed by some people in the modern world with distaste, rhetoric has deep roots that extend all the way back to the ancients. But at its essence, rhetoric simply means “the art... read more

Sep 10, 2020

Less or Fewer? A Baker’s Experiment in Grammar

  These days, it seems that I am perpetually in my home. I suspect many of us are. Being in my home more, I find I am eating more meals in my home as... read more

Sep 09, 2020

Structure and Style with Primary Students: A Conversation with Linda Mikottis: Podcast Episode 235

  In podcast Episode 235, Julie welcomed Linda Mikottis into the studio. Linda had come from her home in Illinois to Oklahoma to conduct a Primary Structure and Style workshop, a professional development workshop... read more

Sep 02, 2020

Support for a Memorable Year Ahead

  The year 2020 has certainly been extraordinary. In early spring we were plunged into a worldwide pandemic that we are still trying to navigate. In response to the interruption of schools and the... read more

Aug 27, 2020

On Teaching and Evaluating Writing, Part 2: Podcast Episode 234

  Last week Andrew and Julie began a conversation about how to teach writing. In this week’s podcast, Episode 234, they continue their discussion, this time centering more on how to appropriately evaluate writing.... read more

Aug 26, 2020

On Teaching and Evaluating Writing, Part 1: Podcast Episode 233

  This year it seems as if there are more and more children who will be learning from home. With all of these new at-home learners, there are more and more at-home teachers. Parents... read more

Aug 19, 2020

An Interview with Doctors Brock and Fernette Eide, Part 2: Podcast Episode 232

  This week the conversation that began in podcast Episode 231 continues with Doctors Brock and Fernette Eide. Topics touched on during the episode include discussion regarding a research study about teaching writing and... read more

Aug 12, 2020

An Interview with Doctors Brock and Fernette Eide, Part 1: Podcast Episode 231

  Recently Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker invited some special guests to the Arts of Language Podcast: physicians Brock and Fernette Eide. The Eides, leading researchers and clinicians on learning disabilities, are the authors... read more

Aug 05, 2020

Unboxing PAL: A Peek inside the Packages

  With school on the cusp of starting up again, we thought it would be helpful to describe in detail a few of our special packaged curriculums so that you are able to feel... read more

Aug 04, 2020

Ready, Steady, Start!

  Believe it or not, it is almost time to start back to school. In one form or another, whether it be traditional brick and mortar, a hybrid approach, online, or at home, the... read more

Jul 30, 2020

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 230

  This week on the Arts of Language Podcast marks the release of Episode 230. Every tenth episode features an “Ask Andrew Anything,” where listeners send in all different kinds of queries. Listen to... read more

Jul 29, 2020

From the Mailbag: What about Spelling Mistakes?

  Individuals who registered for IEW’s online writing conference, From Imitation to Innovation, had the opportunity to submit questions with their registration. While Andrew and Julie weren’t able to respond to each one during... read more

Jul 28, 2020

The Great Grammar Give and Take, Part 2: Podcast Episode 229

  In the current episode, podcast Episode 229, of The Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker continue their conversation about grammar, this time focusing more specifically on Fix It! Grammar. Beginning... read more

Jul 22, 2020

How IEW Saved Me from All-Nighters in College

  Over the course of this past school year, I had a few goals in mind during my study abroad: Don’t get lost on any European streets, find amazing friends, and don’t pull any... read more

Jul 21, 2020

The Great Grammar Give and Take, Part 1: Podcast Episode 228

  The summer months are a period of preparation for educators and teaching parents. Curriculum considerations and decisions dominate during this time. One area where our customer service team fields a lot of questions... read more

Jul 15, 2020

Imply or Infer?

  Imply or infer? Both of these words look similar and have related meanings, but unfortunately for many people the similarities lead to confusion about which word to select. The differences are subtle. In... read more

Jul 14, 2020

Effective Communication: The Counterweight to All the Yelling

  Are you familiar with NCFCA? Since 2001 the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA) has equipped and empowered students to apply and communicate their worldview with skill and clarity. In podcast Episode 227... read more

Jul 08, 2020

Looking at Literature: A Peek inside the Packages

  Andrew Pudewa’s talk Nurturing Competent Communicators exhorts parents and teachers to do two things: Share the beauty and brilliance of literature... read more

Do I Really Need Teaching Writing: Structure and Style?

  If your students are using IEW’s new Structure and Style for Students (SSS) program this year, you may be wondering whether... read more


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The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Part 2: Podcast Episode 237

  Picking up from where they left off last week, Andrew and Julie continue their discussion about rhetoric. At the end of... read more

Making a Way through the Murk: a Homeschool Journey

  Eighteen years ago I embarked on a bold, new adventure. Imagining myself as an early seafaring explorer, I researched my intended... read more

The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Part 1: Podcast Episode 236

  Unfortunately viewed by some people in the modern world with distaste, rhetoric has deep roots that extend all the way back... read more

Less or Fewer? A Baker’s Experiment in Grammar

  These days, it seems that I am perpetually in my home. I suspect many of us are. Being in my home... read more

Structure and Style with Primary Students: A Conversation with Linda Mikottis: Podcast Episode 235

  In podcast Episode 235, Julie welcomed Linda Mikottis into the studio. Linda had come from her home in Illinois to Oklahoma... read more

Support for a Memorable Year Ahead

  The year 2020 has certainly been extraordinary. In early spring we were plunged into a worldwide pandemic that we are still... read more

On Teaching and Evaluating Writing, Part 2: Podcast Episode 234

  Last week Andrew and Julie began a conversation about how to teach writing. In this week’s podcast, Episode 234, they continue... read more

On Teaching and Evaluating Writing, Part 1: Podcast Episode 233

  This year it seems as if there are more and more children who will be learning from home. With all of... read more

An Interview with Doctors Brock and Fernette Eide, Part 2: Podcast Episode 232

  This week the conversation that began in podcast Episode 231 continues with Doctors Brock and Fernette Eide. Topics touched on during... read more

An Interview with Doctors Brock and Fernette Eide, Part 1: Podcast Episode 231

  Recently Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker invited some special guests to the Arts of Language Podcast: physicians Brock and Fernette Eide.... read more

Unboxing PAL: A Peek inside the Packages

  With school on the cusp of starting up again, we thought it would be helpful to describe in detail a few... read more

Ready, Steady, Start!

  Believe it or not, it is almost time to start back to school. In one form or another, whether it be... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 230

  This week on the Arts of Language Podcast marks the release of Episode 230. Every tenth episode features an “Ask Andrew... read more

From the Mailbag: What about Spelling Mistakes?

  Individuals who registered for IEW’s online writing conference, From Imitation to Innovation, had the opportunity to submit questions with their registration.... read more

The Great Grammar Give and Take, Part 2: Podcast Episode 229

  In the current episode, podcast Episode 229, of The Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker continue their conversation... read more

How IEW Saved Me from All-Nighters in College

  Over the course of this past school year, I had a few goals in mind during my study abroad: Don’t get... read more

The Great Grammar Give and Take, Part 1: Podcast Episode 228

  The summer months are a period of preparation for educators and teaching parents. Curriculum considerations and decisions dominate during this time.... read more

Imply or Infer?

  Imply or infer? Both of these words look similar and have related meanings, but unfortunately for many people the similarities lead... read more

Effective Communication: The Counterweight to All the Yelling

  Are you familiar with NCFCA? Since 2001 the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA) has equipped and empowered students to... read more


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