
Stylistic Techniques: the Quality Adjective

  During the section of video instruction on key word outlines in Teaching Writing: Structure and Style, Andrew Pudewa relates parts of speech to describe people’s personalities. Verb people are those students who love... read more

May 10, 2021

The Mighty Pen: Teaching Students to Change the World through Language: Podcast Episode 269

  At what point does content matter more than Structure and Style? Parents and teachers have often asked Andrew this question, and in podcast Episode 269, the answer to that question becomes the centerpiece... read more

May 06, 2021

The Power of Poetry

  For the past twenty-five years, National Poetry Month has been commemorated in April, celebrating poems and the poets who pen them. Tightly constructed, with every syllable and every word deliberately placed, poems evoke... read more

May 03, 2021

Motivation and Classroom Management, Part 2: Podcast Episode 268

  Last week, Andrew and Julie began a conversation about motivation and its implications for assisting with classroom management. That first episode, Podcast Episode 267, focused primarily on the big picture of defining what... read more

Apr 29, 2021

Motivation and Classroom Management, Part 1: Podcast Episode 267

  Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker take up their mics once again in podcast Episode 267. In this first of two episodes, they consider the term “motivation.” What is motivation, and what does it... read more

Apr 22, 2021

Blog Post: Unit 9 Formal Critique: Beyond the Book Report

  Have you ever met someone who remembers fondly doing book reports? Me either. Still, they are one of those tried and true assignments that teachers have given their students for decades. Opinions vary... read more

Apr 20, 2021

The Great TWSS Adventure: 2021 Edition

  As students begin to excitedly look for summer vacation and the end of school, many educators are also looking forward to having a pause in teaching so that they can invest in themselves.... read more

Apr 16, 2021

Homeschool 101: Podcast Episode 265

  This past year, did you become a first-time homeschooler? Are you considering extending your homeschooling experience next year, whether by continuing to home educate or perhaps by doing a bit of afterschooling? In... read more

Apr 09, 2021

Opportunities Abound: How IEW Accreditation Assists Parents and Teachers

  Nearly every day, the IEW office receives calls from parents looking for accredited instructors. Parents are seeking instructors who have demonstrated mastery of the Structure and Style approach, and they recognize the best... read more

Apr 01, 2021

The Benefits of Mastery Education: Podcast Episode 264

  Mastery learning is all the rage right now. You may wonder whether the Structure and Style approach follows a mastery-based approach. If so, wonder no longer. Podcast Episode 264 will settle the question. Andrew... read more

Mar 31, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: More about the Strong Verb

  In a blog post last week, I introduced the strong verb dress-up. The third dress-up to be introduced, the strong verb constructs a clearer visual image of the action in the reader’s mind.... read more

Mar 30, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the Strong Verb

  In the Structure and Style sequence, the strong verb is the third dress-up to be introduced, sandwiched between the who/which clause and the because clause. Strong verbs replace their more bland siblings and... read more

Mar 26, 2021

Teaching Literature through Discussion, Part 2: Podcast Episode 263

  In last week’s podcast episode, Andrew and Julie focused on how instructors and parents can discuss literature with their students. In this week’s episode, 263, they demonstrate what an actual discussion could look... read more

Mar 25, 2021

How the Structure and Style Writing Approach Supports Reading

  While the act of reading appears, at least on the surface, to be simple, it is anything but. Reading is actually an extremely complicated activity that involves lots of simultaneous processes within the... read more

Mar 20, 2021

Teaching Literature through Discussion: Podcast Episode 262

  A common rite of passage for students is to read a novel for an English class and then be expected to write an analytical paper on it. But is formal literary analysis the... read more

Mar 18, 2021

A Compelling Competition: The IEW Essay Writing Contest

  One of my favorite jobs is working at a local academic homeschool co-op. This year I am the high school English teacher. I’m quite proud of my little IEW class. We’ve had a... read more

Mar 12, 2021

Announcing IEW’s 2021 Writing Contest!

  As winter begins to wane, and the days slowly stretch out longer and longer, we at IEW grow excited because we know the annual IEW Writing Contest is nearly here. We look forward... read more

Mar 05, 2021

Ask Andrew Anything: Special Education Edition, Part 2: Podcast Episode 260

  Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker pick up where they left off in the last podcast episode as they continue addressing questions in podcast Episode 260 that were raised by attendees of the online... read more

Mar 03, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the Because Clause

  This week’s featured stylistic technique is the because clause dress-up. After learning the -ly adverb, who/which clause, and strong verb dress-ups, it is the next to be introduced. A clause must contain both... read more

Mar 02, 2021

Ask Andrew Anything: Special Education Edition, Part 1: Podcast Episode 259

  Back in January, IEW held an online conference called “Success in Teaching Writing: A Special Education Writing Conference from IEW.” It was an incredibly popular event, attended by hundreds of people located all... read more

Feb 24, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the -ly Adverb

  In the stylistic techniques progression, the -ly adverb is the first dress-up that students encounter. An adverb modifies either a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. These words answer the questions how, when,... read more

Feb 24, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the Quality Adjective

  During the section of video instruction on key word outlines in Teaching Writing: Structure and Style, Andrew Pudewa relates parts of... read more

The Mighty Pen: Teaching Students to Change the World through Language: Podcast Episode 269

  At what point does content matter more than Structure and Style? Parents and teachers have often asked Andrew this question, and... read more


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The Power of Poetry

  For the past twenty-five years, National Poetry Month has been commemorated in April, celebrating poems and the poets who pen them.... read more

Motivation and Classroom Management, Part 2: Podcast Episode 268

  Last week, Andrew and Julie began a conversation about motivation and its implications for assisting with classroom management. That first episode,... read more

Motivation and Classroom Management, Part 1: Podcast Episode 267

  Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker take up their mics once again in podcast Episode 267. In this first of two episodes,... read more

Blog Post: Unit 9 Formal Critique: Beyond the Book Report

  Have you ever met someone who remembers fondly doing book reports? Me either. Still, they are one of those tried and... read more

The Great TWSS Adventure: 2021 Edition

  As students begin to excitedly look for summer vacation and the end of school, many educators are also looking forward to... read more

Homeschool 101: Podcast Episode 265

  This past year, did you become a first-time homeschooler? Are you considering extending your homeschooling experience next year, whether by continuing... read more

Opportunities Abound: How IEW Accreditation Assists Parents and Teachers

  Nearly every day, the IEW office receives calls from parents looking for accredited instructors. Parents are seeking instructors who have demonstrated... read more

The Benefits of Mastery Education: Podcast Episode 264

  Mastery learning is all the rage right now. You may wonder whether the Structure and Style approach follows a mastery-based approach.... read more

Stylistic Techniques: More about the Strong Verb

  In a blog post last week, I introduced the strong verb dress-up. The third dress-up to be introduced, the strong verb... read more

Stylistic Techniques: the Strong Verb

  In the Structure and Style sequence, the strong verb is the third dress-up to be introduced, sandwiched between the who/which clause... read more

Teaching Literature through Discussion, Part 2: Podcast Episode 263

  In last week’s podcast episode, Andrew and Julie focused on how instructors and parents can discuss literature with their students. In... read more

How the Structure and Style Writing Approach Supports Reading

  While the act of reading appears, at least on the surface, to be simple, it is anything but. Reading is actually... read more

Teaching Literature through Discussion: Podcast Episode 262

  A common rite of passage for students is to read a novel for an English class and then be expected to... read more

A Compelling Competition: The IEW Essay Writing Contest

  One of my favorite jobs is working at a local academic homeschool co-op. This year I am the high school English... read more

Announcing IEW’s 2021 Writing Contest!

  As winter begins to wane, and the days slowly stretch out longer and longer, we at IEW grow excited because we... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Special Education Edition, Part 2: Podcast Episode 260

  Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker pick up where they left off in the last podcast episode as they continue addressing questions... read more

Stylistic Techniques: the Because Clause

  This week’s featured stylistic technique is the because clause dress-up. After learning the -ly adverb, who/which clause, and strong verb dress-ups,... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Special Education Edition, Part 1: Podcast Episode 259

  Back in January, IEW held an online conference called “Success in Teaching Writing: A Special Education Writing Conference from IEW.” It... read more

Stylistic Techniques: the -ly Adverb

  In the stylistic techniques progression, the -ly adverb is the first dress-up that students encounter. An adverb modifies either a verb,... read more


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