
Customer Service Answers: A Little Help along the Way

At IEW we want the courses we provide to be ones that will excite and engage both you and your student. In order to help support you as you teach your children, we... read more

Oct 18, 2021

Suffixing: The Doubling Rule

In the first blog post dedicated to suffixing, I addressed the dropping rule. This rule essentially states that one should drop the final nonsyllabic (silent) e before applying a vowel suffix. There are... read more

Oct 15, 2021

You Don’t Have to Like It: Podcast Episode 291

Over the decades that Andrew Pudewa has been speaking to teachers and parents, he has heard many of them make one of these two statements: I just want my students to enjoy writing. I just... read more

Oct 13, 2021

From the Forums: Teachers Making a Difference

“We now must exhort each other; let us continue to train our students in the use of this great weaponry—the skills of written and spoken English, so that when the crises arise, we... read more

Oct 11, 2021

Who was Mother Goose?

On my shelf is a much-loved and dog-eared book. Inscribed on the flyleaf is this: Merry Christmas, Jennifer, from Mommy and Daddy, 12/1971. Whenever I pull it off the shelf, happy memories flood... read more

Oct 08, 2021

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 290

With the advent of another tenth episode, we return yet again to a fan favorite: Ask Andrew Anything. In this show, Episode 290, Andrew answers the following questions: What do you say to a... read more

Oct 07, 2021

Three Surprising Ways to Use the Structure and Style Method

Recently we received an email from Marie Greenhalgh. Marie is an IEW Registered Instructor. She contacted us, mentioning that she had noticed that her family was incorporating Structure and Style ideas not only... read more

Oct 04, 2021

October is National Learning Disabilities Awareness Month

Happy fall! Some of us have already been enjoying cooler temperatures and colorful fall foliage. For others the show is just beginning. But October doesn’t just herald the fall; it is also the... read more

Oct 01, 2021

Reaching the Reluctant Writer, Part 2: Podcast Episode 289

During the last episode of The Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew and Julie used a much earlier article, “Writing without Tears,” to springboard their discussion about how teachers and teaching parents can support... read more

Sep 29, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the #2 Prepositional Phrase Sentence Opener

In earlier blog posts we have discussed the basic dress-ups and how to introduce them to your students. For the next series of blog posts, we will turn our attention to the sentence... read more

Sep 27, 2021

Suffixing: The Dropping Rule

Earlier today I was reading the national news and ran across an article that mentioned all of the “smokey fires” still blazing out West. I couldn’t help it; I cringed. “Smoky” is actually... read more

Sep 24, 2021

Reaching the Reluctant Writer, Part 1: Podcast Episode 288

When the Institute for Excellence in Writing was in its infancy, Andrew Pudewa crafted a conference talk he named “Reaching the Reluctant Writer.” A few years later in 2002, he wrote an article... read more

Sep 23, 2021

On the Value of Internships: Words of Wisdom from Andrew Collier, an IEW Intern

For college students one of the most significant components of their education is working through an internship. This past summer Andrew Collier, a student from Oral Roberts University, interned at the Institute for... read more

Sep 20, 2021

From the Mail Bag: Podcast Episode 287

Some of the most poignant forms of writing are epistolary. In other words, they are letters. In the current broadcast, podcast Episode 287, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker share letters they have received... read more

Sep 15, 2021

Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms: How do they differ?

In the very first lesson of the very first level of Fix It! Grammar: Level 1 Nose Tree, students are asked to select the correct word from among three homophones: there, their, and... read more

Sep 13, 2021

Homeschool 101: Podcast Episode 286

Earlier this year Andrew and Julie began a series of podcast episodes that focus on helping people feel more confident about homeschooling their students. Naming the series “Homeschool 101,” the two have released... read more

Sep 09, 2021

Point-less: On the Value of a Mastery Approach to Writing Instruction

Some instructors teaching with Structure and Style for Students have noticed something that appears to be missing from the checklists: the point values. While we do offer checklists with points as an optional... read more

Sep 08, 2021

Educate. Encourage. Inspire: Impact your students for life!

Now that school is back in session, we wanted to share some suggestions that will help you inspire your students throughout the year and into the future. The word inspire comes from two... read more

Sep 03, 2021

Announcing IEW’s Theme-Based Book of the Year: Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons

We are excited to share with you that we have declared Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons to be IEW’s theme-based book of the year. What does this mean for you? Every month Andrew Pudewa... read more

Sep 03, 2021

Preparing to Live-Teach Structure and Style for Students

Over the summer I have been looking forward to teaching my writing classes. This year, one of the classes I am teaching is Structure and Style for Students Level 1B. It’s a new... read more

Sep 01, 2021

A Bookish Discussion, Part 3: Podcast Episode 285

With podcast Episode 285 Andrew Pudewa concludes recounting the accumulated twenty-year tally of his “Best Book of the Year List.” To listen to the first two episodes, visit the links here for Episode... read more

Sep 01, 2021

Customer Service Answers: A Little Help along the Way

At IEW we want the courses we provide to be ones that will excite and engage both you and your student.... read more

Suffixing: The Doubling Rule

In the first blog post dedicated to suffixing, I addressed the dropping rule. This rule essentially states that one should drop... read more


Get updates from IEW in your inbox.

You Don’t Have to Like It: Podcast Episode 291

Over the decades that Andrew Pudewa has been speaking to teachers and parents, he has heard many of them make one... read more

From the Forums: Teachers Making a Difference

“We now must exhort each other; let us continue to train our students in the use of this great weaponry—the skills... read more

Who was Mother Goose?

On my shelf is a much-loved and dog-eared book. Inscribed on the flyleaf is this: Merry Christmas, Jennifer, from Mommy and... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 290

With the advent of another tenth episode, we return yet again to a fan favorite: Ask Andrew Anything. In this show,... read more

Three Surprising Ways to Use the Structure and Style Method

Recently we received an email from Marie Greenhalgh. Marie is an IEW Registered Instructor. She contacted us, mentioning that she had... read more

October is National Learning Disabilities Awareness Month

Happy fall! Some of us have already been enjoying cooler temperatures and colorful fall foliage. For others the show is just... read more

Reaching the Reluctant Writer, Part 2: Podcast Episode 289

During the last episode of The Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew and Julie used a much earlier article, “Writing without Tears,”... read more

Stylistic Techniques: the #2 Prepositional Phrase Sentence Opener

In earlier blog posts we have discussed the basic dress-ups and how to introduce them to your students. For the next... read more

Suffixing: The Dropping Rule

Earlier today I was reading the national news and ran across an article that mentioned all of the “smokey fires” still... read more

Reaching the Reluctant Writer, Part 1: Podcast Episode 288

When the Institute for Excellence in Writing was in its infancy, Andrew Pudewa crafted a conference talk he named “Reaching the... read more

On the Value of Internships: Words of Wisdom from Andrew Collier, an IEW Intern

For college students one of the most significant components of their education is working through an internship. This past summer Andrew... read more

From the Mail Bag: Podcast Episode 287

Some of the most poignant forms of writing are epistolary. In other words, they are letters. In the current broadcast, podcast... read more

Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms: How do they differ?

In the very first lesson of the very first level of Fix It! Grammar: Level 1 Nose Tree, students are asked... read more

Homeschool 101: Podcast Episode 286

Earlier this year Andrew and Julie began a series of podcast episodes that focus on helping people feel more confident about... read more

Point-less: On the Value of a Mastery Approach to Writing Instruction

Some instructors teaching with Structure and Style for Students have noticed something that appears to be missing from the checklists: the... read more

Educate. Encourage. Inspire: Impact your students for life!

Now that school is back in session, we wanted to share some suggestions that will help you inspire your students throughout... read more

Announcing IEW’s Theme-Based Book of the Year: Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons

We are excited to share with you that we have declared Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons to be IEW’s theme-based book of... read more

Preparing to Live-Teach Structure and Style for Students

Over the summer I have been looking forward to teaching my writing classes. This year, one of the classes I am... read more

A Bookish Discussion, Part 3: Podcast Episode 285

With podcast Episode 285 Andrew Pudewa concludes recounting the accumulated twenty-year tally of his “Best Book of the Year List.” To... read more


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