
Little Birdie in the Snow: A Unit 5 Writing Opportunity

While some educators are beginning to move into Unit 6 with their students, there are still several who choose to spread out Unit 5 over both December and January. For those who are... read more

Jan 11, 2022

Learn about the New Fix It! Grammar, Fourth Edition: Podcast Episode 303

Happy New Year! For the first podcast of 2022, Julie Walker invited Denise Kelley into the recording studio to discuss the exciting launch of the fourth edition of Fix It! Grammar. As Senior... read more

Jan 05, 2022

Introducing the New Fix It! Grammar

Since 2007, teachers and students have delighted in Fix It! Grammar. One of the most appreciated outcomes from using the program has been the ability students have gained to apply their new grammar... read more

Dec 30, 2021

Specialized Support for Co-Ops

With the recent rise in the number of parents homeschooling, there are more families looking for places of connection. Often these families find camaraderie and community in a homeschool co-op. Co-ops offer support,... read more

Dec 16, 2021

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 300

With the upcoming three hundredth episode of The Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker wanted to do something special to mark it. They decided to video the podcast with an... read more

Dec 15, 2021

Exploring Homophones: Peek, Peak, and Pique

Some people collect stamps. Others search out rocks or spoons. I love to collect homophones. First off they’re free for the scooping up. Secondly they make me feel smarter. Finally they don’t need... read more

Dec 13, 2021

Experience Unit 5: Frosty Paws

Now that we are in the month of December, many teachers are focusing on Unit 5: Writing from Pictures. Out of all of the units, this one is by far my favorite. A... read more

Dec 10, 2021

The Profound Power of Poetry: Podcast Episode 299

Can you recall the missing words to this nursery rhyme? If you aren’t certain, you can check the image. Humpty Dumpty sat on a ______, Humpty Dumpty had a great ______; All the King’s horses, and... read more

Dec 08, 2021

Share the Joy!

Now that the turkey is nearly tucked away and the sweet potatoes savored, it’s about time to turn our attention to December and all of its special traditions. Undeniably, at IEW our favorite... read more

Dec 03, 2021

A Holiday Poem: “Thanksgiving” by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

While the turkey is roasting in the oven, the pies are cooling on the counter, and the rolls are rising, why not take a moment or two to read this poem to your... read more

Nov 22, 2021

Suffixing: The Change Rule

In today’s blog post we will review the last of the suffixing rules: the change rule. In prior posts we covered the dropping rule and the doubling rule, so if you haven’t yet... read more

Nov 19, 2021

Impacting English Language Learners with Structure and Style: Podcast Episode 296

For almost as long as IEW has been in existence, the company has helped the English Language Learner (ELL) toward mastery of the English language. In podcast Episode 296, Andrew and Julie discuss... read more

Nov 17, 2021

"Just You and Me and Socrates"

One of my most treasured experiences as an educator is discussing literature with my students. When I have the opportunity to sit down with a single student to talk about books, well, I... read more

Nov 15, 2021

A Parent’s Perspective: The Value of Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

Recently in IEW’s official Facebook Group, mom Marcela B. wrote a post in which she explained how valuable she found the teacher training she received in Teaching Writing: Structure and Style to be.... read more

Nov 12, 2021

Homeschool 101: Podcast Episode 295

For podcast Episode 295, Andrew and Julie welcomed into the studio Yvette Hampton, a homeschool mom and the producer for a new film called Schoolhouse Rocked. Five years in the making, the film... read more

Nov 10, 2021

Writing across the Curriculum: Podcast Episode 294

“Writing across the curriculum” continues to be a common educational trend in the United States. In podcast Episode 294 Andrew and Julie discuss what writing across the curriculum actually means and how IEW’s... read more

Nov 03, 2021

Friday Night Live with Andrew Pudewa: 2021

In November of last year, guests from all around the world attended an online party, which we called “Friday Night Live with Andrew Pudewa.” Everyone had such a great time; we knew we... read more

Nov 02, 2021

Process over Product: Podcast Episode 293

Looking at a young child’s first attempts at coloring a picture, you will invariably notice that charming as it is, it is also imperfectly rendered. The red crayon may escape the black line... read more

Oct 27, 2021

Diving into the Dictionary

When was the last time you pulled a dictionary off the shelf to look up a word? For many of us, I suspect the answer would be, “I don’t remember.” That’s unfortunate. While... read more

Oct 25, 2021

A Poem to Celebrate Fall: “Autumn Leaves” by Juliana Horatia Ewing

The harvest is happening across the midlands of the country. Pumpkins are showing up in yards, and leaves are preparing for their glorious season of color. It’s fall! To celebrate, we are sharing... read more

Oct 21, 2021

Mikael Walker, the Man behind the Curtain: Podcast Episode 292

With Andrew Pudewa out this week, Julie Walker brought in Mikael Walker to interview on the podcast for Episode 292. Mikael’s official title is “Floor Director and Video Editing Team Member.” Incidentally, he... read more

Oct 21, 2021

Little Birdie in the Snow: A Unit 5 Writing Opportunity

While some educators are beginning to move into Unit 6 with their students, there are still several who choose to spread... read more

Learn about the New Fix It! Grammar, Fourth Edition: Podcast Episode 303

Happy New Year! For the first podcast of 2022, Julie Walker invited Denise Kelley into the recording studio to discuss the... read more


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Introducing the New Fix It! Grammar

Since 2007, teachers and students have delighted in Fix It! Grammar. One of the most appreciated outcomes from using the program... read more

Specialized Support for Co-Ops

With the recent rise in the number of parents homeschooling, there are more families looking for places of connection. Often these... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 300

With the upcoming three hundredth episode of The Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker wanted to do something... read more

Exploring Homophones: Peek, Peak, and Pique

Some people collect stamps. Others search out rocks or spoons. I love to collect homophones. First off they’re free for the... read more

Experience Unit 5: Frosty Paws

Now that we are in the month of December, many teachers are focusing on Unit 5: Writing from Pictures. Out of... read more

The Profound Power of Poetry: Podcast Episode 299

Can you recall the missing words to this nursery rhyme? If you aren’t certain, you can check the image. Humpty Dumpty sat... read more

Share the Joy!

Now that the turkey is nearly tucked away and the sweet potatoes savored, it’s about time to turn our attention to... read more

A Holiday Poem: “Thanksgiving” by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

While the turkey is roasting in the oven, the pies are cooling on the counter, and the rolls are rising, why... read more

Suffixing: The Change Rule

In today’s blog post we will review the last of the suffixing rules: the change rule. In prior posts we covered... read more

Impacting English Language Learners with Structure and Style: Podcast Episode 296

For almost as long as IEW has been in existence, the company has helped the English Language Learner (ELL) toward mastery... read more

"Just You and Me and Socrates"

One of my most treasured experiences as an educator is discussing literature with my students. When I have the opportunity to... read more

A Parent’s Perspective: The Value of Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

Recently in IEW’s official Facebook Group, mom Marcela B. wrote a post in which she explained how valuable she found the... read more

Homeschool 101: Podcast Episode 295

For podcast Episode 295, Andrew and Julie welcomed into the studio Yvette Hampton, a homeschool mom and the producer for a... read more

Writing across the Curriculum: Podcast Episode 294

“Writing across the curriculum” continues to be a common educational trend in the United States. In podcast Episode 294 Andrew and... read more

Friday Night Live with Andrew Pudewa: 2021

In November of last year, guests from all around the world attended an online party, which we called “Friday Night Live... read more

Process over Product: Podcast Episode 293

Looking at a young child’s first attempts at coloring a picture, you will invariably notice that charming as it is, it... read more

Diving into the Dictionary

When was the last time you pulled a dictionary off the shelf to look up a word? For many of us,... read more

A Poem to Celebrate Fall: “Autumn Leaves” by Juliana Horatia Ewing

The harvest is happening across the midlands of the country. Pumpkins are showing up in yards, and leaves are preparing for... read more

Mikael Walker, the Man behind the Curtain: Podcast Episode 292

With Andrew Pudewa out this week, Julie Walker brought in Mikael Walker to interview on the podcast for Episode 292. Mikael’s... read more


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