
Learn about IEW’s Hybrid Schools Division: Podcast Episode 276

IEW has long served the home education world. Several years ago the company also established a second division to support traditional schools, whether public or private. Did you know, however, that IEW has... read more

Jul 01, 2021

The 2021 IEW Online Writing Conference: Recorded and Ready to Watch!

The 2021 IEW Online Writing Conference: Recorded and Ready to Watch! It’s a wrap! This past Saturday marked IEW’s second annual Online Writing Conference. Did you participate? It was a fabulous day featuring workshops... read more

Jun 30, 2021

Week 4 of The Great TWSS Adventure: Unit 4

Last Week This past Monday, Andrew Pudewa and Nathan King sat down together once again, this time to discuss Unit 3: Retelling Narrative Stories. This unit marks a significant shift from the first two... read more

Jun 28, 2021

Summer Fun in (and out) of the Sun: Cultivating Collections

Are you a collector? Are your children? While some of us embrace the more minimalist side of life, there are plenty of people out there who delight in growing their collections. There’s virtually... read more

Jun 25, 2021

Homeschool 101: Podcast Episode 275

  This past year, many families completed their first year of home education, with a large percentage of these families finding themselves in this position because of the global pandemic. Now that summer has... read more

Jun 21, 2021

Summer Fun in (and out) of the Sun: Nature Walks

When was the last time you went outside for a walk and really slowed down to notice the nature around you? How about your children? When have they? If your answer is, “I... read more

Jun 18, 2021

Culture, Curriculum, and Care: Part 2: Podcast Episode 274

In the first installment of this two-part podcast series, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker discussed the first two components of “Culture, Curriculum, and Care,” the focus of last year’s webinar, “A Crash Course... read more

Jun 16, 2021

Week 2 of the Great TWSS Adventure: Introducing Stylistic Techniques

  Last Week On Monday of last week, Andrew Pudewa and Nathan King kicked off the 2021 event. Describing why Units 1 and 2 are so important, Andrew emphasized that in order for our... read more

Jun 14, 2021

Summer Fun in (and out) of the Sun: #DadisReading

  While the month of June marks Father’s Day, we should really celebrate fathers every day of the year. After all, they do so much for their families. One important action that many dads... read more

Jun 11, 2021

Culture, Curriculum, and Care: Part 1: Podcast Episode 273

In March 2020, IEW hosted a webinar for people who had found themselves suddenly needing to homeschool their students because of the global pandemic. Called “A Crash Course for Accidental Homeschooling,” the webinar’s... read more

Jun 09, 2021

Week 1 of the Great TWSS Adventure: Units 1 and 2

  This week launches a grand adventure. The travelers are from all around the world, but they are united in a single purpose: to journey together through Teaching Writing: Structure and Style. For this first... read more

Jun 07, 2021

Summer Fun in (and out) of the Sun: Building Book Clubs

  “It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.” This quote, often miscredited to Oscar Wilde but actually stated by the... read more

Jun 04, 2021

The Different Stages of Learning: Podcast Episode 272

It is only natural that parents play the comparison game. A mom of a tween might worry about her twelve-year-old student and whether or not she is “on track” compared to her peers.... read more

Jun 03, 2021

Announcing IEW’s Online 2021 Writing Conference!

  On June 26, IEW is hosting the 2021 Online Writing Conference. We invite you to attend! Developed with teachers, administrators, tutors, parents, and students in mind, this free event will span the day,... read more

Jun 02, 2021

Summer Fun in (and out) of the Sun: Considering Clubs

  While the official start of summer is still a few weeks away, Memorial Day unofficially ushers in the highly anticipated season. Over the next few weeks, we are going to share some ideas... read more

May 28, 2021

Summer Writing Fun with Structure and Style: Podcast Episode 271

If the summer break hasn’t started for you yet, most likely it is just around the corner. While teachers and teaching parents love having a nice break to rest and recharge for the... read more

May 27, 2021

Using Structure and Style for Students in the Classroom

It’s been a delight to hear from so many teachers who have enjoyed using Structure and Style for Students (SSS) with their classes over the past school year. Many more have inquired as... read more

May 25, 2021

Delight in Learning: A Contagious Condition

  As a dyslexia tutor, one of the ways I connect with other tutors who do the same thing is through social media. I am in a few groups that are made up of... read more

May 21, 2021

Teaching Documentation with Confidence

  For those of you who have an older version of the Student Resource Packet (SRP) and have updated to the most recent edition, you may have noticed that we no longer include bibliography... read more

May 17, 2021

Reprise of “The Mighty Pen”: Podcast Episode 269

  In lieu of launching a new podcast this week, we offer a reprise of Episode 269, The Mighty Pen: Teaching Students to Change the World through Language. For listeners who may already use... read more

May 14, 2021

WORLD Magazine: A Wealth of Source Material for Teachers of Structure and Style

  As the academic year begins to wind down and you begin to reach the end of your writing curriculum, you may be considering ways you can keep your students’ skills strong over the... read more

May 13, 2021

Learn about IEW’s Hybrid Schools Division: Podcast Episode 276

IEW has long served the home education world. Several years ago the company also established a second division to support traditional... read more

The 2021 IEW Online Writing Conference: Recorded and Ready to Watch!

The 2021 IEW Online Writing Conference: Recorded and Ready to Watch! It’s a wrap! This past Saturday marked IEW’s second annual Online... read more


Get updates from IEW in your inbox.

Week 4 of The Great TWSS Adventure: Unit 4

Last Week This past Monday, Andrew Pudewa and Nathan King sat down together once again, this time to discuss Unit 3: Retelling... read more

Summer Fun in (and out) of the Sun: Cultivating Collections

Are you a collector? Are your children? While some of us embrace the more minimalist side of life, there are plenty... read more

Homeschool 101: Podcast Episode 275

  This past year, many families completed their first year of home education, with a large percentage of these families finding themselves... read more

Summer Fun in (and out) of the Sun: Nature Walks

When was the last time you went outside for a walk and really slowed down to notice the nature around you?... read more

Culture, Curriculum, and Care: Part 2: Podcast Episode 274

In the first installment of this two-part podcast series, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker discussed the first two components of “Culture,... read more

Week 2 of the Great TWSS Adventure: Introducing Stylistic Techniques

  Last Week On Monday of last week, Andrew Pudewa and Nathan King kicked off the 2021 event. Describing why Units 1... read more

Summer Fun in (and out) of the Sun: #DadisReading

  While the month of June marks Father’s Day, we should really celebrate fathers every day of the year. After all, they... read more

Culture, Curriculum, and Care: Part 1: Podcast Episode 273

In March 2020, IEW hosted a webinar for people who had found themselves suddenly needing to homeschool their students because of... read more

Week 1 of the Great TWSS Adventure: Units 1 and 2

  This week launches a grand adventure. The travelers are from all around the world, but they are united in a single purpose:... read more

Summer Fun in (and out) of the Sun: Building Book Clubs

  “It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.”... read more

The Different Stages of Learning: Podcast Episode 272

It is only natural that parents play the comparison game. A mom of a tween might worry about her twelve-year-old student... read more

Announcing IEW’s Online 2021 Writing Conference!

  On June 26, IEW is hosting the 2021 Online Writing Conference. We invite you to attend! Developed with teachers, administrators, tutors,... read more

Summer Fun in (and out) of the Sun: Considering Clubs

  While the official start of summer is still a few weeks away, Memorial Day unofficially ushers in the highly anticipated season.... read more

Summer Writing Fun with Structure and Style: Podcast Episode 271

If the summer break hasn’t started for you yet, most likely it is just around the corner. While teachers and teaching... read more

Using Structure and Style for Students in the Classroom

It’s been a delight to hear from so many teachers who have enjoyed using Structure and Style for Students (SSS) with... read more

Delight in Learning: A Contagious Condition

  As a dyslexia tutor, one of the ways I connect with other tutors who do the same thing is through social... read more

Teaching Documentation with Confidence

  For those of you who have an older version of the Student Resource Packet (SRP) and have updated to the most... read more

Reprise of “The Mighty Pen”: Podcast Episode 269

  In lieu of launching a new podcast this week, we offer a reprise of Episode 269, The Mighty Pen: Teaching Students... read more

WORLD Magazine: A Wealth of Source Material for Teachers of Structure and Style

  As the academic year begins to wind down and you begin to reach the end of your writing curriculum, you may... read more


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