Search for: five-day-a-week schools

Sep 08, 2015

A Tale of Two Schools>

  Have you ever wondered how you, as a homeschooler, could help introduce IEW to your local school? Did you know that IEW offers special materials designed just for five day a week school teachers? Janet Spitler, Director of IEW's School Division, explains the best way for you to share IEW with your favorite teacher or school.   Last spring a homeschooler called our School Division to let us know she had made... read more

IEW: Not Just for Homeschoolers! Podcast Episode 209>

  The history of the Institute for Excellence in Writing stretches back in time quite a ways, all the way back to the single-room schoolhouse where Anna Ingham taught students of many ages. Designing the program that she called the Blended Sound-Sight Program of Learning, she shared her method with her nephew, Dr. James B. Webster. He in turn took the program and shaped it to... read more

the IEW Blog Team Mar 11, 2020

Structure and Style with Primary Students: A Conversation with Linda Mikottis: Podcast Episode 235>

  In podcast Episode 235, Julie welcomed Linda Mikottis into the studio. Linda had come from her home in Illinois to Oklahoma to conduct a Primary Structure and Style workshop, a professional development workshop for primary (K‒2) teachers working at five-day-a-week brick and mortar schools. As IEW’s School Division’s lead implementation coach, Linda was there teaching the four-day workshop and managed to squeeze in some time... read more

the IEW Blog Team Sep 02, 2020

A Five-Paragraph Level A Essay Sample>

If you are attending the Unit 8 webinar, or are listening to the archive, this student sample will be helpful. Download PDF       read more

Julie Mar 29, 2016

Ready, Steady, Start! >

  Believe it or not, it is almost time to start back to school. In one form or another, whether it be traditional brick and mortar, a hybrid approach, online, or at home, the fall semester will begin. Ready or not, here we go! In recent months we have been sharing some free resources, hoping to inspire and encourage teachers and students. Just in case you... read more

the IEW Blog Team Jul 30, 2020

Stronger Together>

  Over the past month or so, people across the globe and around the country have come together to confront an invisible enemy. Facing uncertain days ahead, rather than looking at their own difficulties and misfortunes, people have done what they historically do in times like this: They help each other. Assistance has come in many forms. Purchasing groceries and delivering them to the doorsteps of... read more

Jennifer Mar 30, 2020

A Tale of Two Schools>

How YOU Can Help Bring IEW® to Your Local School by Janet Spitler Last spring a homeschooler called our School Division to let us know she had made an appointment with a school to introduce them to IEW. Her plan was to bring her materials to a staff meeting and use them to demonstrate what she taught her children. She asked if she needed to leave the... read more

Renee Feb 16, 2023

The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Part 2: Podcast Episode 237>

  Picking up from where they left off last week, Andrew and Julie continue their discussion about rhetoric. At the end of last week’s podcast, Andrew had delved a bit deeper into the first canon: invention. In podcast Episode 237, he continues to expand on the remaining four: arrangement, elocution, memory, and delivery. In both writing and speaking, once you have determined what you want to address... read more

the IEW Blog Team Sep 16, 2020

On the Tenth Day of Christmas IEW Gave to Me…>

Developing the Essayist audio download, Mini-Book Set for Units 4 & 6 e-book, free shipping, and more* Today’s blog post comes from Janet Spitler, a former classroom teacher and now director of IEW’s School Division. Offering training and tools for professional educators in a five-day classroom setting, our school division staff provides just what today’s teachers and schools need to teach their students to write. I remember feeling overwhelmed... read more

Janet Jan 04, 2014

New to IEW! The Decision Tree>

  At IEW we offer many products to meet your needs. We recommend all parents and teachers of writing begin with our core course, Teaching Writing: Structure and Style, but beyond that we have a wide variety of materials designed to suit students of all ages, abilities, and learning environments. For parents and teachers new to IEW, the question invariably arises, “Where should I begin?” We... read more

the IEW Blog Team Jun 07, 2017

Structure and Style for Students: Hybrid School Lesson Planning >

What is a hybrid school, and what makes lesson planning different for a hybrid school teacher? Hybrid schools meet one, two, three, or four days a week. This model of education has been growing in popularity for many years now, and it presents a unique opportunity for teachers and parents to work together to support the education of their students. Students in a hybrid school... read more

Renee Jul 13, 2023

Getting Started with Introduction to Public Speaking>

The gifts on Day 8 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving provide everything you need to start your students on the path to becoming confident and competent public speakers. Be sure you are registered for the event to receive the email with links to the gifts and the free shipping code. The first gift today is the Cultivating Language Arts – Preschool through High School... read more

the IEW Blog Team Jan 02, 2024

Tutoring with IEW—A Win-Win!>

  IEW is taught across homes and schools all around the world. Often it is a teacher or parent who guides students through the IEW approach to writing, but tutors who meet with students just once or twice a week are using IEW to help their students as well. As a private tutor, I find great joy in helping my students achieve their best academically. But... read more

Jennifer Sep 21, 2018

While Andrew’s Away—An Opportunity to Meet Beth O’Connor: Podcast Episode 134>

  The podcast fun continued this past week even though Andrew was still on the road. In Podcast 134, Julie Walker introduces listeners to Beth O’Connor, one of IEW’s Schools Division Educational Consultants. Beth comes to IEW with a master’s degree in special education and many years of classroom teaching experience, but she admits that until she discovered IEW at her school in Louisiana, she was... read more

the IEW Blog Team Apr 11, 2018

Imitation: A Common-Sense Approach>

by Andrew Pudewa As in many areas of education, the skill of writing has been elevated to the status of art, which it rightfully should be. However, this has often been to the detriment of children. Equating good with creative and creative with good, many teachers, schools, and curriculum publishers have taken an approach to teaching which more or less follows a hands-off method of instruction.... read more

Jean Feb 17, 2023

The Work of a Child>

by Andrew Pudewa (This article first appeared in the March 2012 issue of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine®.) At some point, most homeschooling parents experience a sort of anxiety spike when their child hits twelve or thirteen years old. With the onset of ninth grade or “high school” just a year or so away, things seem to suddenly become more serious; heavy words like “transcript” and “ready for college” slip into... read more

Jean Feb 17, 2023

On the Seventh Day of Christmas, IEW Gave to Me …>

Today's Focus — Classroom Teachers Gifts for Today a PDF of the Student Resource Packet a streaming video of However Imperfectly an introduction to Teaching Tips with Andrew Pudewa (TTAP) streaming video of Andrew Pudewa presenting Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing free shipping a chance to win one of three $50 IEW gift certificates Happy New Year and welcome to 2022! Today’s gifts will be enjoyed by all but are collected especially... read more

the IEW Blog Team Jan 01, 2022

Cultivating Gratitude: Podcast 397>

To kick off National Gratitude Month, this podcast episode highlights Ron Clark’s book The Essential 55: An Award-Winning Educator’s Rules for Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child. Join Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker as they discuss how teaching students the concepts outlined in the book can help students express gratitude in a myriad of situations. Congratulate classmates—clap loudly. If you win, do not brag; if you... read more

the IEW Blog Team Nov 01, 2023

Nurturing Success: Serving Schools of Every Kind: Podcast Episode 319>

In 1990 Andrew along with other teachers traveled to Alberta, Canada, for a ten-day teacher-training seminar. It was there that Andrew learned Dr. Webster’s Blended Structure and Style in Composition method. In Episode 319 Andrew shares how he brought the writing method to the states and how the methodology applies to any kind of educational setting. When Andrew returned from the seminar, he began to implement... read more

the IEW Blog Team Apr 28, 2022

On Individualized Learning>

  Today’s blog post is written by one of our customer service team members, and yet, remarkably, she’s just completing her junior year in high school! Kathleen shares her unique perspective as not only a student who has appreciated learning in a way that works for her, but who has also begun to help other students find ways to learn that work for them. We hope... read more

Kathleen May 15, 2019
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