
Fix It! Grammar: Practice That Leads to Mastery

Practice, practice, practice. Mastery of any skill takes practice—lots of it. Musicians repeat scales and basketball players run drills. Until the skills have been practiced enough to gain muscle memory to perfect the... read more

Mar 06, 2023

Grammar on the Go

If you missed the gifts given for Day 12, you can still access the digital 2023 edition of the Magnum Opus Magazine.   On the twelfth and final day of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas... read more

Jan 06, 2023

Engaging Grammar That Students Enjoy

If you missed the gifts given for Day 4, you can still access these resources: Free Grammar Lessons Podcast Episode 228: The Great Grammar Give and Take, Part 1 Podcast Episode 229: The Great Grammar Give... read more

Dec 29, 2022

The Grammar of Everyday Phrases: Part 2

Although speaking English comes naturally to most native speakers, writing it can sometimes feel fraught with potential pitfalls. If you have ever paused after writing a word or a phrase and wondered if... read more

Oct 07, 2022

The Grammar of Everyday Phrases: Part 1

Any time or anytime? Every day or everyday? A while or awhile? There are so many of these types of homophones. They’re easy enough to use in speech, but have you ever wondered... read more

Sep 23, 2022

Premium Membership: Continually Adding Teacher Resources

Investing in IEW’s Premium Membership is an investment in yourself as well as your students. Several fabulous perks have been added to the already robust compendium of support for teachers of Structure and... read more

Sep 02, 2022

To hyphenate or not to hyphenate, that is the question.

The humble hyphen ( ‐ ) is a subdued punctuation mark indicated by a short dash line. It serves a number of purposes grammatically, many of which we will take a look at... read more

Aug 08, 2022

Literary Devices: Examining Consonance, Alliteration, and Assonance

In prior posts we have examined onomatopoeia as well as similes and metaphors. Today we will investigate three more literary devices: consonance, alliteration, and assonance. In the sample poems, the devices are underlined... read more

Jul 20, 2022

Apostrophes and Their Applications

Apostrophes are important little punctuation marks. Most people know that they can be used in different ways. For example, one of their functions is to indicate that letters or numbers have been removed:... read more

May 16, 2022

Announcing IEW’s 2022 Summer Conference

Spring is in the air. How can you tell? Birds are building nests, trees are beginning to bud, and conferences for teachers and parents are starting to occur all over the country. Andrew... read more

Mar 31, 2022

Common Editing Marks

Early in the Structure and Style for Students courses, Andrew Pudewa exhorts his students to hire an editor. While a variety of editorial roles (content editors and copy editors, for example) exists, in... read more

Mar 25, 2022

Fix It! Grammar: Practice That Leads to Mastery

Practice, practice, practice. Mastery of any skill takes practice—lots of it. Musicians repeat scales and basketball players run drills. Until the... read more

Grammar on the Go

If you missed the gifts given for Day 12, you can still access the digital 2023 edition of the Magnum Opus... read more


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Engaging Grammar That Students Enjoy

If you missed the gifts given for Day 4, you can still access these resources: Free Grammar Lessons Podcast Episode 228: The Great... read more

The Grammar of Everyday Phrases: Part 2

Although speaking English comes naturally to most native speakers, writing it can sometimes feel fraught with potential pitfalls. If you have... read more

The Grammar of Everyday Phrases: Part 1

Any time or anytime? Every day or everyday? A while or awhile? There are so many of these types of homophones.... read more

Premium Membership: Continually Adding Teacher Resources

Investing in IEW’s Premium Membership is an investment in yourself as well as your students. Several fabulous perks have been added... read more

To hyphenate or not to hyphenate, that is the question.

The humble hyphen ( ‐ ) is a subdued punctuation mark indicated by a short dash line. It serves a number... read more

Literary Devices: Examining Consonance, Alliteration, and Assonance

In prior posts we have examined onomatopoeia as well as similes and metaphors. Today we will investigate three more literary devices:... read more

Apostrophes and Their Applications

Apostrophes are important little punctuation marks. Most people know that they can be used in different ways. For example, one of... read more

Announcing IEW’s 2022 Summer Conference

Spring is in the air. How can you tell? Birds are building nests, trees are beginning to bud, and conferences for... read more

Common Editing Marks

Early in the Structure and Style for Students courses, Andrew Pudewa exhorts his students to hire an editor. While a variety... read more


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