
Which Words Work? A Lot, Allot, or Alot?

When I review my students’ papers, the same words tend to be confused and misused. Among the most frequent errors I encounter are the words a lot, allot, and alot. If you have... read more

Mar 18, 2022

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 310

It’s that time again! Every tenth podcast is set aside so that listeners can “ask Andrew anything.” In podcast Episode 310 listeners asked the following questions: How do I know if I’m expecting too... read more

Feb 23, 2022

Demystifying Verbals: Gaining Clarity on Infinitives, Participles, and Gerunds

One of the elements in the stylistic techniques list is the strong verb. A strong verb is a verb that works in place of a more mundane alternative. The strong verb provides a... read more

Jan 24, 2022

It’s a Wrap!

With the final day of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving event only recently completed, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the days and to thank all of you who... read more

Jan 14, 2022

Why Great Grammar Doesn’t Guarantee Great Writers: Podcast Episode 304

In this week’s podcast, Episode 304, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker discuss grammar and its role in the writing process. Relating the findings of research, Andrew shares that teaching grammar explicitly was not... read more

Jan 12, 2022

Learn about the New Fix It! Grammar, Fourth Edition: Podcast Episode 303

Happy New Year! For the first podcast of 2022, Julie Walker invited Denise Kelley into the recording studio to discuss the exciting launch of the fourth edition of Fix It! Grammar. As Senior... read more

Jan 05, 2022

Introducing the New Fix It! Grammar

Since 2007, teachers and students have delighted in Fix It! Grammar. One of the most appreciated outcomes from using the program has been the ability students have gained to apply their new grammar... read more

Dec 30, 2021

Exploring Homophones: Peek, Peak, and Pique

Some people collect stamps. Others search out rocks or spoons. I love to collect homophones. First off they’re free for the scooping up. Secondly they make me feel smarter. Finally they don’t need... read more

Dec 13, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the #2 Prepositional Phrase Sentence Opener

In earlier blog posts we have discussed the basic dress-ups and how to introduce them to your students. For the next series of blog posts, we will turn our attention to the sentence... read more

Sep 27, 2021

Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms: How do they differ?

In the very first lesson of the very first level of Fix It! Grammar: Level 1 Nose Tree, students are asked to select the correct word from among three homophones: there, their, and... read more

Sep 13, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the Clause

Of the stylistic techniques, the last dress-up to be introduced to students is the clause. Like the because clause dress-up, the clause is a dependent (subordinate) clause. By definition, a clause... read more

Aug 16, 2021

Which Words Work? A Lot, Allot, or Alot?

When I review my students’ papers, the same words tend to be confused and misused. Among the most frequent errors I... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 310

It’s that time again! Every tenth podcast is set aside so that listeners can “ask Andrew anything.” In podcast Episode 310... read more


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Demystifying Verbals: Gaining Clarity on Infinitives, Participles, and Gerunds

One of the elements in the stylistic techniques list is the strong verb. A strong verb is a verb that works... read more

It’s a Wrap!

With the final day of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving event only recently completed, we wanted to take a moment... read more

Why Great Grammar Doesn’t Guarantee Great Writers: Podcast Episode 304

In this week’s podcast, Episode 304, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker discuss grammar and its role in the writing process. Relating... read more

Learn about the New Fix It! Grammar, Fourth Edition: Podcast Episode 303

Happy New Year! For the first podcast of 2022, Julie Walker invited Denise Kelley into the recording studio to discuss the... read more

Introducing the New Fix It! Grammar

Since 2007, teachers and students have delighted in Fix It! Grammar. One of the most appreciated outcomes from using the program... read more

Exploring Homophones: Peek, Peak, and Pique

Some people collect stamps. Others search out rocks or spoons. I love to collect homophones. First off they’re free for the... read more

Stylistic Techniques: the #2 Prepositional Phrase Sentence Opener

In earlier blog posts we have discussed the basic dress-ups and how to introduce them to your students. For the next... read more

Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms: How do they differ?

In the very first lesson of the very first level of Fix It! Grammar: Level 1 Nose Tree, students are asked... read more

Stylistic Techniques: the Clause

Of the stylistic techniques, the last dress-up to be introduced to students is the clause. Like the because clause dress-up,... read more


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