
Share the Joy!

  There’s a reason that December is our favorite time of the year at IEW, and it’s because of the annual Twelve Days of Christmas Giving event. As we look forward to another year... read more

Dec 01, 2020

Considering the Possibilities of Unit 3: Podcast Episode 246

  Andrew and Julie invited Nathan King to join them in the recording studio for podcast Episode 246. Nathan, a Project Manager for IEW, also enjoys writing fiction. Because November is National Novel Writing... read more

Nov 25, 2020

A Conversation about Paper and Pen: What the Research Says, Part 2: Podcast Episode 245

  During last week’s show, podcast Episode 244, Andrew and Julie discussed the first of four points outlined in Andrew’s presentation, Paper and Pen: What the Research Says. That point specifically focuses on research... read more

Nov 19, 2020

Additional Source Material to Teach Structure and Style

  We recently received a request from a parent who just completed Structure and Style for Students Year 1 Level A and is waiting patiently for Year 2 Level A to launch in January.... read more

Nov 13, 2020

A Conversation about Paper and Pen: What the Research Says, Part 1: Podcast Episode 244

  This week’s podcast episode, Episode 244, launches the beginning of a conversation between Andrew and Julie about the use of paper and pen. These tools are an integral part of teaching the skill... read more

Nov 11, 2020

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 240

  You just never know what questions may come flying at Andrew when it rolls round to another episode of “Ask Andrew Anything.” This week’s show, Episode 240, is no different. Andrew addresses a... read more

Oct 07, 2020

IEW and the English Language Learner, Part 1: Podcast Episode 238

  This past summer IEW held an online writing conference. This event, From Imitation to Innovation, drew thousands of attendees, who hailed from all over the globe. Before we kicked off the event, we... read more

Sep 23, 2020

Do I Really Need Teaching Writing: Structure and Style?

  If your students are using IEW’s new Structure and Style for Students (SSS) program this year, you may be wondering whether you actually need Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS) in order to... read more

Sep 18, 2020

The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Part 2: Podcast Episode 237

  Picking up from where they left off last week, Andrew and Julie continue their discussion about rhetoric. At the end of last week’s podcast, Andrew had delved a bit deeper into the first... read more

Sep 16, 2020

The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Part 1: Podcast Episode 236

  Unfortunately viewed by some people in the modern world with distaste, rhetoric has deep roots that extend all the way back to the ancients. But at its essence, rhetoric simply means “the art... read more

Sep 10, 2020

Structure and Style with Primary Students: A Conversation with Linda Mikottis: Podcast Episode 235

  In podcast Episode 235, Julie welcomed Linda Mikottis into the studio. Linda had come from her home in Illinois to Oklahoma to conduct a Primary Structure and Style workshop, a professional development workshop... read more

Sep 02, 2020

Share the Joy!

  There’s a reason that December is our favorite time of the year at IEW, and it’s because of the annual Twelve... read more

Considering the Possibilities of Unit 3: Podcast Episode 246

  Andrew and Julie invited Nathan King to join them in the recording studio for podcast Episode 246. Nathan, a Project Manager... read more


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A Conversation about Paper and Pen: What the Research Says, Part 2: Podcast Episode 245

  During last week’s show, podcast Episode 244, Andrew and Julie discussed the first of four points outlined in Andrew’s presentation, Paper... read more

Additional Source Material to Teach Structure and Style

  We recently received a request from a parent who just completed Structure and Style for Students Year 1 Level A and... read more

A Conversation about Paper and Pen: What the Research Says, Part 1: Podcast Episode 244

  This week’s podcast episode, Episode 244, launches the beginning of a conversation between Andrew and Julie about the use of paper... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 240

  You just never know what questions may come flying at Andrew when it rolls round to another episode of “Ask Andrew... read more

IEW and the English Language Learner, Part 1: Podcast Episode 238

  This past summer IEW held an online writing conference. This event, From Imitation to Innovation, drew thousands of attendees, who hailed... read more

Do I Really Need Teaching Writing: Structure and Style?

  If your students are using IEW’s new Structure and Style for Students (SSS) program this year, you may be wondering whether... read more

The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Part 2: Podcast Episode 237

  Picking up from where they left off last week, Andrew and Julie continue their discussion about rhetoric. At the end of... read more

The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Part 1: Podcast Episode 236

  Unfortunately viewed by some people in the modern world with distaste, rhetoric has deep roots that extend all the way back... read more

Structure and Style with Primary Students: A Conversation with Linda Mikottis: Podcast Episode 235

  In podcast Episode 235, Julie welcomed Linda Mikottis into the studio. Linda had come from her home in Illinois to Oklahoma... read more


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