
Week 4 of The Great TWSS Adventure: Unit 4

Last Week This past Monday, Andrew Pudewa and Nathan King sat down together once again, this time to discuss Unit 3: Retelling Narrative Stories. This unit marks a significant shift from the first two... read more

Jun 28, 2021

Week 2 of the Great TWSS Adventure: Introducing Stylistic Techniques

  Last Week On Monday of last week, Andrew Pudewa and Nathan King kicked off the 2021 event. Describing why Units 1 and 2 are so important, Andrew emphasized that in order for our... read more

Jun 14, 2021

Week 1 of the Great TWSS Adventure: Units 1 and 2

  This week launches a grand adventure. The travelers are from all around the world, but they are united in a single purpose: to journey together through Teaching Writing: Structure and Style. For this first... read more

Jun 07, 2021

Teaching Documentation with Confidence

  For those of you who have an older version of the Student Resource Packet (SRP) and have updated to the most recent edition, you may have noticed that we no longer include bibliography... read more

May 17, 2021

Reprise of “The Mighty Pen”: Podcast Episode 269

  In lieu of launching a new podcast this week, we offer a reprise of Episode 269, The Mighty Pen: Teaching Students to Change the World through Language. For listeners who may already use... read more

May 14, 2021

WORLD Magazine: A Wealth of Source Material for Teachers of Structure and Style

  As the academic year begins to wind down and you begin to reach the end of your writing curriculum, you may be considering ways you can keep your students’ skills strong over the... read more

May 13, 2021

The Mighty Pen: Teaching Students to Change the World through Language: Podcast Episode 269

  At what point does content matter more than Structure and Style? Parents and teachers have often asked Andrew this question, and in podcast Episode 269, the answer to that question becomes the centerpiece... read more

May 06, 2021

How the Structure and Style Writing Approach Supports Reading

  While the act of reading appears, at least on the surface, to be simple, it is anything but. Reading is actually an extremely complicated activity that involves lots of simultaneous processes within the... read more

Mar 20, 2021

A Compelling Competition: The IEW Essay Writing Contest

  One of my favorite jobs is working at a local academic homeschool co-op. This year I am the high school English teacher. I’m quite proud of my little IEW class. We’ve had a... read more

Mar 12, 2021

Announcing IEW’s 2021 Writing Contest!

  As winter begins to wane, and the days slowly stretch out longer and longer, we at IEW grow excited because we know the annual IEW Writing Contest is nearly here. We look forward... read more

Mar 05, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the Because Clause

  This week’s featured stylistic technique is the because clause dress-up. After learning the -ly adverb, who/which clause, and strong verb dress-ups, it is the next to be introduced. A clause must contain both... read more

Mar 02, 2021

Week 4 of The Great TWSS Adventure: Unit 4

Last Week This past Monday, Andrew Pudewa and Nathan King sat down together once again, this time to discuss Unit 3: Retelling... read more

Week 2 of the Great TWSS Adventure: Introducing Stylistic Techniques

  Last Week On Monday of last week, Andrew Pudewa and Nathan King kicked off the 2021 event. Describing why Units 1... read more


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Week 1 of the Great TWSS Adventure: Units 1 and 2

  This week launches a grand adventure. The travelers are from all around the world, but they are united in a single purpose:... read more

Teaching Documentation with Confidence

  For those of you who have an older version of the Student Resource Packet (SRP) and have updated to the most... read more

Reprise of “The Mighty Pen”: Podcast Episode 269

  In lieu of launching a new podcast this week, we offer a reprise of Episode 269, The Mighty Pen: Teaching Students... read more

WORLD Magazine: A Wealth of Source Material for Teachers of Structure and Style

  As the academic year begins to wind down and you begin to reach the end of your writing curriculum, you may... read more

The Mighty Pen: Teaching Students to Change the World through Language: Podcast Episode 269

  At what point does content matter more than Structure and Style? Parents and teachers have often asked Andrew this question, and... read more

How the Structure and Style Writing Approach Supports Reading

  While the act of reading appears, at least on the surface, to be simple, it is anything but. Reading is actually... read more

A Compelling Competition: The IEW Essay Writing Contest

  One of my favorite jobs is working at a local academic homeschool co-op. This year I am the high school English... read more

Announcing IEW’s 2021 Writing Contest!

  As winter begins to wane, and the days slowly stretch out longer and longer, we at IEW grow excited because we... read more

Stylistic Techniques: the Because Clause

  This week’s featured stylistic technique is the because clause dress-up. After learning the -ly adverb, who/which clause, and strong verb dress-ups,... read more


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