
Preparing for College and Career

In the 1970s Dr. James B. Webster began each of his university history classes with lessons from his program Blended Structure and Style in Composition because his students could not write well enough... read more

Jan 18, 2024

Using Structure and Style across the Curriculum

“I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I write and I understand.” According to this Chinese proverb, writing about something leads to understanding it. While writing instruction is commonly considered... read more

Jan 11, 2024

Getting Started with a Surprise Gift!

It is Day 12, and we are excited to announce the surprise gift that closes out IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving celebration! This year, IEW is giving you not one but two... read more

Jan 06, 2024

Getting Started with Premium Membership

The gift on Day 11 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving is a gift that keeps on giving! Be sure you are registered for the event to receive the email with links... read more

Jan 05, 2024

Getting Started with Methods for Learning Differences

Welcome to Day 10 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving! So far IEW has shared gifts to support grammar, spelling, speaking, and writing. Today’s gifts support students with learning differences and the... read more

Jan 04, 2024

Getting Started with College Preparation

On Day 9 of the Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, IEW is giving you two weeks of the brand new University-Ready Writing video course. Be sure you are registered for the event to... read more

Jan 03, 2024

Getting Started with Introduction to Public Speaking

The gifts on Day 8 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving provide everything you need to start your students on the path to becoming confident and competent public speakers. Be sure you... read more

Jan 02, 2024

Getting Started with Poetry

On Day 7 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, the sweet sounds of verse fill the air through the gift of the entire first level of Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization. Not... read more

Jan 01, 2024

Getting Started with Accreditation

On Day 6 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, we offer several key gifts that will help you toward your goals of completing the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style course and submitting... read more

Dec 31, 2023

Getting Started with The Phonetic Zoo

Spelling can be a challenging subject for many students. Perhaps students struggle because many spelling programs rely heavily on visual input. The Day 5 gifts for IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving help... read more

Dec 30, 2023

Getting Started with Fix It! Grammar

On Day 4 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, IEW is giving the perfect gift for helping new and veteran IEW families and teachers tackle the often-daunting task of implementing grammar with... read more

Dec 29, 2023

Getting Started with Theme-Based Writing Lessons

On Day 3 of Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, IEW is giving you a three-week sample of three theme-based writing lessons. Be sure you are registered for the event to receive the email... read more

Dec 28, 2023

Getting Started with Structure and Style for Students

On Day 2 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, we spotlight getting started with writing using IEW’s video courses. IEW’s mission is to equip teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials... read more

Dec 27, 2023

Getting Started with the Two Most Important Things

At this time of year, many people’s thoughts turn toward starting anew. Often the hardest part of starting something new is just that—getting started! This year’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving gifts are... read more

Dec 26, 2023

Where are they now? Nicole Woolley: The Right Tools

Many consider writing useful only when pursuing a degree or career in the field of arts and humanities. In our latest installment of the “Where are they now?” series, Nicole Woolley testifies to... read more

Dec 21, 2023

Understanding Topic-Clincher Sentences with Unit 4

IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout the year, students progress through nine structural units. After building a strong foundation... read more

Dec 14, 2023

Where are they now? Kara Bettis Carvalho: Magazine Editor

It has been said that IEW Structure and Style is critically important to help students impart truth confidently and cogently. IEW graduate Kara Bettis Carvalho is utilizing what she learned by making her... read more

Dec 07, 2023

Continuing the Tradition: Twelve Days of Giving

Traditions bring joy and fond memories. They may be the same ornaments placed carefully on the tree each year or the beloved Christmas stories you read. Do you have recipes that you prepare... read more

Dec 04, 2023

Planning an IEW Lesson for Multiple Grades

We live in a time where there are many options for educating our students. Since the pandemic more and more families have chosen to educate their children in nontraditional settings. Many of these... read more

Nov 30, 2023

Using the Story Sequence Chart with Unit 3

IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout the year students progress through nine structural units. After three to four weeks... read more

Nov 17, 2023

Assessing Student Growth with Fix It! Grammar

Teachers in school classrooms need opportunities for assessing student growth whether by traditional tests or by some other assessment. Educational assessments are methods of measuring students' learning and progress. They are essential tools... read more

Nov 16, 2023

Preparing for College and Career

In the 1970s Dr. James B. Webster began each of his university history classes with lessons from his program Blended Structure... read more

Using Structure and Style across the Curriculum

“I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I write and I understand.” According to this Chinese proverb, writing... read more


Get updates from IEW in your inbox.

Getting Started with a Surprise Gift!

It is Day 12, and we are excited to announce the surprise gift that closes out IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas... read more

Getting Started with Premium Membership

The gift on Day 11 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving is a gift that keeps on giving! Be sure... read more

Getting Started with Methods for Learning Differences

Welcome to Day 10 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving! So far IEW has shared gifts to support grammar, spelling,... read more

Getting Started with College Preparation

On Day 9 of the Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, IEW is giving you two weeks of the brand new University-Ready... read more

Getting Started with Introduction to Public Speaking

The gifts on Day 8 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving provide everything you need to start your students on... read more

Getting Started with Poetry

On Day 7 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, the sweet sounds of verse fill the air through the gift... read more

Getting Started with Accreditation

On Day 6 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, we offer several key gifts that will help you toward your... read more

Getting Started with The Phonetic Zoo

Spelling can be a challenging subject for many students. Perhaps students struggle because many spelling programs rely heavily on visual input.... read more

Getting Started with Fix It! Grammar

On Day 4 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, IEW is giving the perfect gift for helping new and veteran... read more

Getting Started with Theme-Based Writing Lessons

On Day 3 of Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, IEW is giving you a three-week sample of three theme-based writing lessons.... read more

Getting Started with Structure and Style for Students

On Day 2 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, we spotlight getting started with writing using IEW’s video courses. IEW’s... read more

Getting Started with the Two Most Important Things

At this time of year, many people’s thoughts turn toward starting anew. Often the hardest part of starting something new is... read more

Where are they now? Nicole Woolley: The Right Tools

Many consider writing useful only when pursuing a degree or career in the field of arts and humanities. In our latest... read more

Understanding Topic-Clincher Sentences with Unit 4

IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout... read more

Where are they now? Kara Bettis Carvalho: Magazine Editor

It has been said that IEW Structure and Style is critically important to help students impart truth confidently and cogently. IEW... read more

Continuing the Tradition: Twelve Days of Giving

Traditions bring joy and fond memories. They may be the same ornaments placed carefully on the tree each year or the... read more

Planning an IEW Lesson for Multiple Grades

We live in a time where there are many options for educating our students. Since the pandemic more and more families... read more

Using the Story Sequence Chart with Unit 3

IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout... read more

Assessing Student Growth with Fix It! Grammar

Teachers in school classrooms need opportunities for assessing student growth whether by traditional tests or by some other assessment. Educational assessments... read more


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